View Full Version : Lump in throat, reflux, pains, scared of cancer

29-01-17, 12:20
After six months of peace, its all coming back.

Last year I had a 5 month episode of health anxiety brought on by stomach issues (suspected ulcer, stomach pains, back pain) which lead to them looking at my pancreas with CT and MRI, ultrasound, and me spiralling out of control with anxiety. It took me medication and counselling to finally accept that all my horrible symptoms were not a cancer eating me away. And despite horrible back pains and other symptoms, eventually it all went away last summer as my SSRI kicked in.

I've been on PPIs for my reflux ever since and had been unable to get off them due to acid rebound, but I did stop taking my antidepressants to see if that helped with my acid. It did not, but my anxiety was low over the summer and fall so I stayed off them.

Over the winter my reflux has gotten worse though. It's mostly controlled by my pills but two weeks ago after working out for the first time in months, I noticed I would get indigestion and pressure coming up my throat through the day, not necessarily after eating but just any time. I also have had a lump in my throat for two weeks as well and my back pain that plagued me for many months last year is coming back as well.

I'm praying its something like a hiatal hernia which run in my family, but I'm so terrified its throat cancer. As someone who has had reflux for a few years now I know I'm at higher risk even though I'm relatively young (35). I'm going back on antidepressants today I think. I've had a prescription for a new one that I've had sitting in the cupboard but didn't want to take, but I'm again unable to focus on anything but cancer.

Has anyone had similar symptoms?

29-01-17, 15:43
I've had/have those symptoms, lump in the throat, reflux, weird feelings in throat. The more anxious I am, the worse they are, which makes the anxiety worse, etc, etc. Do you feel the same way? I take prilosec daily, but it doesn't always help if I'm not careful with what I eat. If I'm anxious or stressed, I can't eat spicy foods, tomato products, or sugar. Being careful with what I eat helps and then just trying to remember that it goes away when my anxiety does.

02-02-17, 21:50
I have GERD too, and have bouts where my throat swells up and Inget the lump. As I write this I feel like there is one there, and have had this sensation for the past week. I had an endoscopy a year ago, and they said there was slight irritation on the esophagus, so to just keep taking my omeprazole as normal. I do find thinking about the throat makes things 100 times worse, and when I am active/ busy I do not notice it, then I remember and there it is again!!

02-02-17, 23:23
I too have GERD, Anxiety and the feeling of something either STUCK in my throat, a lump, or like a popcorn kernel husk etc. it comes and goes and as my anxiety comes and goes.

I take PPIs for the gerd and valium etc but the throat issues can literally last weeks with a day here and there where its not an issue.

Knowing all this I still catch myself in the negative spiral of intrusive negative thoughts that I give power to and I will worry about cancer as well.

try to take it easy on yourself