View Full Version : My MS fears again.

23-01-17, 11:11

Over the past year Ive had odd symptoms that my GP was not interested in and just put them down to anxiety.

Ive had a burning tingly feeling on the top of my feet and over my shins. They skin feels extra sensitive here too.

I also get this sensitive feeling over my tummy. It lasts for days.

I have also what I think is restless legs when this happens in bed.

Over the Christmas period, I was on my mobile phone a lot in bed and so was holding it at a funny angle. Up to now a month later my arms and hand are not working properly. If I try to touch a specific point, say on my touch screen laptop, my arm movement seems a bit jerky.

Over the weekend, I have woken up with sore shoulder muscles, sore ankles joints and sore leg muscles. My arms feel really heavy.

Every symptom are on both sides of my body apart from the arm and hand that is not working properly.

Ive also got different sized eye pupils in dim light. The opthalmologist say they are fine as they contract and increase in size like they are supposed to.

Ive had a tingly top lip and a numb patch in my cheek.

Also, all my joints seem to stiffen up in the cold.

Im really worried that all my symptoms together point to MS.

Why would my stupid GP just right everthing off to anxiety?

I recently had a CT scan for an ongoing 7 week long sinus headache which has finally gone! It was normal.

Could anything pointing to MS be seen on this type of scan or would it have to be an MRI.

Thank you for reading my waffle.


23-01-17, 11:59
I had a huge MS scare over tingling just over a year ago. I had tingling and burning in my face, lips, hands, arms, legs, belly... It was disturbing, and scared the crap out of me, but after a neurologist, MRI, nerve conduction studies, etc, there was nothing wrong with me, "just" anxiety, and a possible slight B12 deficiency. Once I got the all clear, they miraculously disappeared, and come back occasionally when I'm stressed and go again (and, weirdly, they come back when I type response to MS fear posts on here, which says a lot I think. I'm tingling now.).

Your "stupid" doctor "writes it off as anxiety" because he has done nearly a decade of medical training and has who knows how much practical experience, and knows the signs of diseases much better and with far more authority than someone who's done a bit of Googling. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but we all need to bear that in mind.

MS is caused by degeneration of specific nerves, that cause persistent problems in specific corresponding places. It doesn't roam about the body. It seems counterintuitive, but the more places it crops up, the less likely it is to be MS. It's also a comparatively rare disease, while these symptoms are very common anxiety symptoms.

23-01-17, 12:20

No, youre not harsh and Im sorry if Ive made you tingle.

Im seeing GP at the end of the week for something else and Ill mention it, Ive written it all down.


23-01-17, 12:34
If I'm to assume that the "67" is your birth year then welcome to aging... especially the aches and pains... tingles too! ;)

Positive thoughts

23-01-17, 12:37
Hi Fishmanpa

LOL! I never thought of that! Actually it's my front door number!

Oh no, people will think Im older than I actually am.

Hope you are well.


23-01-17, 12:54
I worry about the same right now also. Even had the tingling /numbness in middle my back which is suppose to be early sign of MS. Idk what is anxiety and what is real anymore. But I'm tired running having test done that come back fine.

23-01-17, 13:44
Hi Nzxt27

May I ask what tests you have had?


23-01-17, 14:56
Only thing I had checked for twitching was I guess a short clinical by my dr. Like strength test. She wasn't really worried about my twitches said it was due to anxiety. I mean I've had other test done like EKG and colonscopy. Both was fine and I don't have health insurance. I spent over $5000 last year out of my own pocket.

---------- Post added at 14:54 ---------- Previous post was at 14:53 ----------

But I still have twitches all over. And as of about week ago my legs started getting sore and feeling funny when rested. I walk or move them they feel fine. It like comes and goes.

---------- Post added at 14:56 ---------- Previous post was at 14:54 ----------

All I know my twitches didn't start happening till 2 weeks after I went to ER for chest pains. And now I get them all over my body.

28-01-17, 15:49

I wondered if anyone knew what sort of MS symptoms would get you a referral to a neurologist?

Thanks xx

28-01-17, 17:08
I'm not trying to be mean here, I say this gently, but it's honestly better for you not to know.

Once you know the symptoms, you will start worrying if you have them, and then your brain may cause your body to create them. It's better not to open this Pandora's box.

28-01-17, 17:09
I Think you have symptoms confused with test results, if you showed neural deficits or measurable results to physical examination THEN you would be referred to a neuro.

My journey started with Optic Neuritis from my eye dR.

28-01-17, 17:12
I'm not trying to be mean here, I say this gently, but it's honestly better for you not to know.

Once you know the symptoms, you will start worrying if you have them, and then your brain may cause your body to create them. It's better not to open this Pandora's box.


Positive thoughts

28-01-17, 18:01
My sister has MS. she started having symptoms at a young age. I'm not going to tell you what symptoms because as a fellow ha sufferer I know that that's the worst thing to do. She had/has very noticeable symptoms and I mean noticeable. Have you spoken to the GP about this fear???? If they were in the slightest bit worried you would be sent to see a neurologist. I will say this to you. My sister lives a wonderful happy full complete life, she has a baby girl, she works full time. she is incredibly positive. I wanted to tell you that because you always see the bad stories on the media not the positive stories. If by even the tiniest chance you do have it, it doesn't always mean that your end up in a bad way, I know this because my sister has been diagnosed with it a long time and she is incredible. they are making major steps in this illness all the time. I haven't told you this to scare you because I'm sure your fine I just wanted to tell you its not always doom and gloom, please pm if you need to chat. take care

28-01-17, 18:06
I agree. I have two friends with MS and they live wonderful lives. The advances that have been made are wonderful!

28-01-17, 21:30
Thank you everyone.

I appreciate your replies.


29-01-17, 14:32

Sorry but do MS symptoms appear on one side of the body or both at the same time.

Also, what can a neurologist tell my giving you an exam?

Sorry :blush:

29-01-17, 14:37
i have merged your threads on this topic

29-01-17, 14:39
Thank you.

Sorry xx

29-01-17, 17:28
Do you really need to ask such questions, lizzie? You're just tormenting yourself when you don't need to.

29-01-17, 18:51
Lizzie, don't ever feel ashamed or embarrassed by asking these questions. I for one know what it's like to need this constant reassurance. I also think it's much better to ask here than to Google. We all know Dr Goggle is a liability and a liar so please stay away from it.


29-01-17, 22:35
Thank you.

30-01-17, 11:35
its always easy to hand out advice but when your going through a tough patch its so so hard and I feel for you I really do. Please don't google your symptoms. I found that to be the worst thing because it gives you symptoms your brain is amazing what it can do.
Neurologists see the symptoms of MS every day so they will be able to tell you if they are worried at all I'm sure, if they do a practical examination with you and they find something is not quite right they will get the tests done that are needed. have you tried fighting this fear? I shout out its just anxiety its just anxiety. I sound like a nutter but I just keep telling myself that and I find the symptoms start to diminish.

30-01-17, 12:26
If I'm to assume that the "67" is your birth year then welcome to aging... especially the aches and pains... tingles too! ;)

Positive thoughts

It's true though, Lizzie's only three years older than me and I'm creaking like an old barn door and yes - tingles too - only not in the places I want them ha ha.:wacko:

30-01-17, 14:13

You have made my day!

Your post has really cheered me up. :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 14:13 ---------- Previous post was at 14:13 ----------


Thank you for your kind words.

It means a lot.


30-01-17, 14:14
It's true though, Lizzie's only three years older than me and I'm creaking like an old barn door and yes - tingles too - only not in the places I want them ha ha.:wacko:


03-02-17, 13:03

I went to see my GP with my list of symptoms ranging from a sun burn feeling on the skin of my shins and tops of my feet to a tingly top lip, constant dizziness, aching joints and muscles and he said to, Elizabeth - (no one calls me that), you are suffering with chronic anxiety and all your nerves and muscles are super sensitive and hyper. You do not have MS.

He also said that as my CT scan was normal in December after having a continuous headache for 7 weeks, no atrophies (sp?) were seen.

I asked could MS be seen on a CT and he said yes but everywhere else Ive read and had consultations with "Dr Google" they say you must have an MRI!

The GP and myself are rather annoyed that we havent received a letter from my private psychiatrist (sp) 2 weeks ago with a recommendation of medication.

On the plus side, I got there myself, driving not my usual car and I even popped into Tesco to grab some food! I never go out by myself, not even to take the kids on the 1 minute journey to school!

ANyone else have the sun burn feeling? The skin feels very sensitive and i can really feel clothing on my skin. Its weird as it doesnt hurt when I rub my legs! :wacko:

I remember after one of my c-sections, the spinal injection went a bit wrong and I had nerve damage in one leg, for quite a few months and my leg was a bit numb and wouldnt work properly and I had to take off my sexy surgical

stockings as my skin felt odd and tight and even after I took them off, it still felt like I had socks on.

Well, that's my update for today. Good job Im 99% agraphobic as Im waiting in for the gas man to come fix our heating and hot water. Its been going on for a month now :mad::mad:

ANd I spent all morning giving myself a pedicure just incase he wanted to give me a neurology exam! LOL

03-02-17, 17:30
---I asked could MS be seen on a CT and he said yes but everywhere else Ive read and had consultations with "Dr Google" they say you must have an MRI!

Yes MRI is the gold standard for testing with and without contrast - but MRI would show reason to look further you didnt have anything to look at.

-----ANyone else have the sun burn feeling? The skin feels very sensitive and i can really feel clothing on my skin. Its weird as it doesnt hurt when I rub my legs!

yes I have that pretty regular the pins and needles feeling in the feet is almost constant and when its not that its like the soles of my feet are on fire

But everything your saying could EASILY be attributed to normal anxiety as your Dr said

Be well..

03-02-17, 20:16
I had that skin sensation twice. Both times it was just underneath my armpit, both armpits at the same time. Felt just like a sunburn but I couldn't see anything wrong. No redness or anything.it went away after a week and a half. I was stressed about it.
I like how your Dr said that your anxiety causes your muscles to be super sensitive. That's a good way to put it. It's also good to hear a Dr say that.

05-02-17, 20:16

Ive been reading the old posts and saw that someone mentioned a hot bath test for MS.

Can anyone enlighten me on it please?

Thank you x

05-02-17, 20:25
I have been officially diagnosed with MS for 20 years..

if a large percentage of people get over heated, you start experiencing an exaggeration in symptoms.

For instance for me...If I get too hot from bath/shower/outside I start feeling like Im drunk, and that is my queue to get in the shade, get out of the tub/shower etc.

Heat will emphasize your symptoms which is why they recommend exercise but things like swimming, water aerobics or light impact so that you can more easily control core temps.


05-02-17, 20:37
Thank you x

15-02-17, 13:48

Ive posted many times about my MS fear.

My main problems are a burning sensation on my shins and top of my feet. This has been going on for a month now.

Yesterday evening, I started having pins and needles in my right arm and hand.

Ive still got the pins and needles now.

And I get a tingly top lip.

My GP told me I do not have MS as a CAT scan I had in December was normal and showed no atrophies.

I cannot accept that there is nothing wrong - there must be as I have symptoms of MS.

I don't know what to do anymore - no one is taking me seriously.

15-02-17, 13:52
Maybe you should take the GP seriously.

Anxiety can cause these symptoms too.

19-02-17, 11:36

Ive posted many times (sorry).

Im obsessed that I may have MS or fibro.

I have a sunburn tingly feeling on the skin on my shins and top of my feet.

I feel like IVe been run over when I wake up or get up from sitting down for a time.

I have really bad back ache, the muscles in the top of my arms ache badly, my joints are stiff all over. EVen my fingers joints feel swollen when I try to bend them.

Ive had pins and needles in my right arm and hand now for 4 days now.

My CRP (inflammation marker) is raised slightly. It should be under 5. A year ago it was 20, now its 10.

GP just says its anxiety.

Ive had anxiety for 10 years and this has never happened before in all those years.

The tingly legs has been on and off for a year now.

Sometimes it feels like they are "restless", especially in bed and I have to move them to get relief.

I truly feel Im not being taken seriously as I have chronic health anxiety.

Would it be worthwhile to pay to see a private GP? You get 30 minutes.

I did have CT scan just before Christmas and it was normal. I asked the GP about MS and he said there was no evidence of atrophy on the scan, so nothing to worry about. But everyone knows you need an MRI for MS.....

The fear of the unknown is driving me crazy.

Sorry for the long post.


19-02-17, 12:14

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


19-02-17, 12:15
Thank you Elen xx

20-02-17, 09:56
Would it be worthwhile to pay to see a private GP? You get 30 minutes.

So you pay god knows how much to get 20 minutes longer for someone to tell you don't have something? The NHS doctors would only have found this obvious disease, if only they had 20 minutes longer! That's not how it works, if a GP heard what you had to say and thought it required further investigation they'd send you to a specialist. They aren't going to spend that 20 minutes doing extra tests, and it's not like they just need an extra 20 minutes of you describing your symptoms to persuade them. If you can afford it and want a second opinion - why not? But if it's a huge expense for you I don't think it'd be worth it.

Read my first post in this merged thread. I spend the best part of six months convinced I had MS. Bad tingles and burning sensations in my lips, face, hands, arms, legs, feet, belly, plus some blurred vision. It was scary, but it was sprialling, self-perpetuating anxiety.

MS doesn't roam around the body. Remember that. In fact pretty much the only nerve problem that can ping itself to every part of the body is... anxiety.

20-02-17, 16:56
Lizzie, Why not ask for a MRI scan for MS. If I remember rightly they put a dye in so that it shows everything going on in your brain. You have not mentioned your vision.
To go private this it is very expensive.

20-02-17, 17:14

I really cannot afford it as Im paying to see a private psychiatrist atm.

I see him tomorrow and will ask him about this all.
