View Full Version : Fainted, Scared there's Something Wrong

29-01-17, 16:03
The day before yesterday my boyfriend and I moved to a new city. We were living with my mom and her husband for a few months, but decided it wasn't a good environment anymore. So, we moved to the are he's from and are staying with a friend of his. Yesterday, we took the public transit, like a subway kind of, to the city so I could apply for a job. They ended up interviewing me right away and it went well. I haven't had a job in over six months because my HA has been so bad. Afterwards, I was feeling stressed, overwhelmed, but not anxious. We took a walk and then got back on the transit. The seats were full, so we were standing. All of a sudden, my vision was blurry and I got lightheaded. I sat down in the middle of the car and then I felt like I couldn't breathe. Maybe hyperventilating? Somebody offered me their seat, but I fainted, just for a second, trying to get into it. Our stop was next and my boyfriend dragged me off the car. I laid down and after eating a larabar and having some water, I felt well enough to walk up the stairs and back to where we were staying. But now I'm really nervous.

My boyfriend thinks I was just dehydrated. But, since yesterday I've been feeling kind of lightheaded and just not good.

Has anyone ever fainted just from being overwhelmed or stressed out or had anything similar happen to them? It really scared me when I couldn't breath. Is that an effect of fainting or could I have had a panic attack?

I'm really worried there's something wrong with me, cancer or diabetes maybe? I've been keeping myself from googling too much. I'm also terrified that I'll faint again on public transit alone or at a new job. I'm scared of getting a job, taking public transit, walking around.

29-01-17, 16:06
You just described a panic/anxiety attack brought on from the stresses you described.

Positive thoughts

29-01-17, 16:09
could I have had a panic attack?

textbook panic attack description the effects of which can last for a time after and can actually fuel additional anxiety.

Fishman wheres your campfire analogy when I need it.

29-01-17, 16:12
Fishman wheres your campfire analogy when I need it.

Here you go SC...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

29-01-17, 16:34
Thanks for the feedback.

I've had a lot of panic attacks before, but it didn't feel like a panic attack. It came on very suddenly and I actually fainted, which hasn't happened to me in along time. :weep:

29-01-17, 17:07
Maybe you were just too hot and bothered and hadn't drank enough water that day?
My friend is prone to fainting and often happens if she's too hot and in big crowds. She doesn't have any underlying health problems, it just happens sometimes. Or it was just a good old panic attack. I've thought I was going to faint, vomit and couldn't breathe during one before, it really scared me. Don't give in to the fear of not being on the bus/train though. After a similar panic attack you describe on a train I became totally agoraphobic and avoided crowds at all costs. Stole a year of my life. Just don't read into it, you had a wobble probably cos of a few factors at play, nothing serious :) Stay strong x

29-01-17, 17:22
Not trying to create hysteria, but fainting is very rare in panic attacks. Any time you faint, you should be checked out by a doctor.