View Full Version : A song for trump.

29-01-17, 18:30

I hope this link works as I'm not the most technically minded person but
this is Scottish Rock band "Runrig". They wrote this song about the Berlin wall. I think The evil bast*rd that is Trump should listen. :mad:

Ps: I listen to this LOUD and PROUD!.


29-01-17, 18:41
I like your signature line, Lisa. I'm not sure Mr. Trump learned that one as a kid.

I've been through many elections in the U.S. The candidate I voted for doesn't always win. That's been fine in the past. We've exercised our democratic process, and a difference of policies have won out. Never though has a candidate won the election where I think his main policies have been fundamentally wrong.

I cried on Friday; I was so upset and frustrated. Friday was Yom Ha Shoah, Holocaust Remembrance day. Anne Frank died in part because her family was denied visas to the US. Many of other Jews were kept in Europe and died because they were denied entry to the US through Harding's quota policies. Now other refugees around the world will suffer and die through Mr. Trump's. It's history repeating itself, IMHO.

And the White House's statement on Yom Ha Shoah? It had nothing in it that recognized the fact that in ADDITION to all the millions of others killed, Hitler tried committing a genocide. The statement did not mention Jews. Wow. And Trump thinks he knows everything Jew-related because his son-in-law is Jewish.

29-01-17, 19:07
I like your signature line, Lisa. I'm not sure Mr. Trump learned that one as a kid.

I've been through many elections in the U.S. The candidate I voted for doesn't always win. That's been fine in the past. We've exercised our democratic process, and a difference of policies have won out. Never though has a candidate won the election where I think his main policies have been fundamentally wrong.

I cried on Friday; I was so upset and frustrated. Friday was Yom Ha Shoah, Holocaust Remembrance day. Anne Frank died in part because her family was denied visas to the US. Many of other Jews were kept in Europe and died because they were denied entry to the US through Harding's quota policies. Now other refugees around the world will suffer and die through Mr. Trump's. It's history repeating itself, IMHO.

And the White House's statement on Yom Ha Shoah? It had nothing in it that recognized the fact that in ADDITION to all the millions of others killed, Hitler tried committing a genocide. The statement did not mention Jews. Wow. And Trump thinks he knows everything Jew-related because his son-in-law is Jewish.

My heart really does go out to America as a country and the people living there (all races and religions). I also feel heart sorry for the people who will suffer at the hands of this man and the decisions he has made.

I understand everyone is entitled to their own personal opinion and are also entitled to vote for who they think the best person would be to govern the US but how in the name of sanity was that evil individual even allowed to stand for president?. His beliefs are positively prehistoric and he really will undo so much good that has taken so real blood, sweat and tears to achieve over the years.

I can't get my head around it at all. :mad:

P.s Thank you :hugs:

Catherine S
29-01-17, 22:10
I'm living in East Germany at the moment and we live in a part of the East that was behind the wall only as recently as 1989, before Gorbachev, backed by President Reagan started the process to unify East and West again. People here are horrified by what's happening in the States just now. I realise we do have to be careful because of the constant threat of terrorism, but what Trump is doing is extreme to say the least. I hope common sense eventually prevails.


29-01-17, 23:00
The only thing that is keeping me hopeful and positive is seeing the large groups of people coming out in support of diversity, love, and welcoming people in at gatherings and protests.