View Full Version : palpatations

29-01-17, 20:09
help.i went for lunch a few weeks ago on a cold windy day.my heart started racing.never happened before.stopped when i went back to work.happened that night after work.this has now occupied my thought process all day ever day since then.no breathlessness or any other symptoms.at bedtime now my heart races never happened before.oddly it never happens at work!my son in september needed his heart shocked and has been fine since and i worry about him to.i cant see an end to this and neef any advice.thanks

01-02-17, 14:19
Try to find the cause for this as be careful what was your state in that moment you was anxious stresed etc .Sometimes this kind of atacks apear at a bad state of mind or hapiness ,sometimes they apear when we have a very sad life