View Full Version : Feeling dizzy / lightheaded when driving long distances

29-01-17, 20:56
As the title says really ive had to do some long journeys in the car recently and nearly all the time i have these episodes where i feel all dizzy / faint feeling but before it even comes on im relaxed feel fine not thinking bad things not getting anxious etc. It only happens when driving long journeys though like on the motorway. In and around the town im completely fine. Anyone else experience anything like this?


29-01-17, 21:21
You should discuss this with an optician. Some people require glasses for long journeys and night time driving

up a ladder
29-01-17, 22:15
Hi. I think if that is your only issue, then perhaps it is more a physical issue with your eyes then as previously mentioned, an optician may be able to put your mind at rest.
I used to suffer a similar issue, but I would only every get it on long journeys from home, never on the way home. I put it down to another quirk of my panic attacks.

30-01-17, 12:38
Thanks for your replys. I have arranged to see my optician at the end of the week to see whether it is my eyes or not. If its not it must be anxiety related somehow. Cant understand why though as ive been travelling the same road for the last 3 months so it's not like im anxious to travel.

30-01-17, 12:40
Take regular breaks. Drink plenty of fluids, and the occasional fizzy drink if necessary.

Most of these things are simply due to fatigue.