View Full Version : Just feel rubbish

16-04-07, 17:21

I do not feel very good at the moment, my self esteem is down the pan, don't have anything good to say. I am always worrying about every little thing, got a lot of things happening at the moment with my health, test this testing that mainly to do with hormonal problems.

I don't go out on a night time(if I do it is very rare) I prefer to just stay inside and watch tv or go on the computer(how boring of me). Also I don't have any friends ( I think I pushed them away).:weep::weep::weep:

What doesn't help is I feel that people are always looking at me, I think I am a bit paranoid, it doesn't help because I have hormonal problems I have too much facial hair issues, I can see the hair, I am sure other people can see it. Worrying about that, feeling like carp. I do not like me at all at the moment. Sorry Sorry Sorry:weep::weep::weep:


16-04-07, 19:08
Hello !
In my experience most other people are too absorbed in themselves to take any notice of anyone else ! Hormonal problems can really make you feel out of sorts. Whatever is going on at the moment will settle eventually- so try to accept this and know that every day is closer to recovery.

Also - I think you have loads of friends - everyone who logs on here for starters ! So KEEP SMILING ... I'l think about you sitting at your computer with a big grin on your face evertime I log on ! Deal ???
Be kind to yourself.