View Full Version : Panic attacks and apnea

29-01-17, 21:42
Does anyone else here get panic attacks, depression and anxiety because of sleep apnea. Just wondering if I am not alone in this. Its sucks more than any words I could use to explain. I thought I would just add my panic attacks started during sleep. I would wake up feeling like I could not breath and felt like I was dying..So for 4 years I have been taking medication that masked the underlying condition causing the panic attacks..

31-01-17, 02:23
I'm not sure I follow you. Are you saying you've been diagnosed by a specialist with sleep apnea and that you thought it was originally panic attacks for 4 years?

01-02-17, 23:04
I am going to find out soon. Will be seeing specialist tomorrow. Definitly had severe panic. Atatcks. But because they started during sleep I want to find out if sleep apnea was the cause or not.