View Full Version : Sore throat... thinking the worst.

30-01-17, 01:16
Thursday in the morning when I woke up my throat felt a bit sore but I thought it was from being dry. As the day went on it was wasn't as bad. . Friday I noticed it a bit too and on Saturday and today. It doesn't really hurt hat bad but it's really starting to scare me. The pain is on my left side, I've been eating cough drops and drinking cold things that helps a little bit but not for long. But usually when I have a sore throat it hurts to talk but this time I can talk completely fine, it's just when I swallow pretty much. I know that I'm being really stupid right now but I'm starting to get worried I have a tumor in my throat or something. (I didn't google that I just kind of concluded that ) But if it was just a sore throat shouldn't I be having cold symptoms by now? I just can't shake this horrible feeling that I'm dying... Does this sound normal for a sore throat to not hurt when I talk? It just seems different somehow.. ugh.

30-01-17, 02:02
'tis the season, my friend.
Sore throats can hurt all different kinds of ways.
I've had one-sided sore throats where only one of my tonsils hurts; I've had sore throats where it hurt to talk and ones where it didn't hurt to talk and ones where it hurt too much to even swallow my own saliva. I've had ones where it hurt to drink, but not to eat (which I found rather strange).
It all depends on where the infection is in your throat.
And also what the infection is. There are a million different respiratory viruses, all lumped under the category "the common cold". And there is no medicine that can treat them; they go away on their own in a few days.
There's also Strep Throat, which will also go away on its own, but it's good to take antibiotics for that one, just to avoid some very, very rare complications that can occur in a minuscule number of cases.
I bet that in three days, you will be all better. There is no reason to think you are dying. Cancer doesn't present this way. Nothing serious presents this way. What does present this way is the common cold.
Get some rest and drink plenty of fluids.
Best wishes.

30-01-17, 14:50
I have the same thing going on at the moment. Been going on for about a week or so now and only hurts on the left side when I swallow. It's like there's a little lump there or sore muscle that gets irritated when I swallow. Never had anything like this before.

I did have a HUGE throat infection that turned into bronchitis just before Christmas. Lasted for weeks with a lot of coughing and mucus and phlem (yuck!). I think it was gone by the second week in January which is shortly before this whatever it is started. I think it might either be a sore muscle from the coughing or a left over swollen lymph node. I can't feel anything unusual on that side compared to the other side.

I do have some sort of allergy thing happening at the moment with a lot of sinus drainage and that might also be irritating things. I wake up at night with a really dry throat from mouth breathing and then sneeze about 30 times. :P

Anyway, I thought the "C" word too but that's just by default health anxiety concern. I don't think either one of us has that.

31-01-17, 04:23
Thank you guys for your replies! I've trying to remain positive about all of this and tell myself it's just a simple infection. It just feels different from a sore throat, almost like there's something caught in my Throat or like its muscular. It seems like at night and in the morning is when it's worst which doesn't really make much sense. I tried to make myself cough a bit and now I'm starting to feel a bit hoarse. I just wish it would stop hurting like this, I'm worried it's never going to go away.

31-01-17, 18:15
Anyway, I thought the "C" word too but that's just by default health anxiety concern. I don't think either one of us has that.

thats my go to as well...especially with throat/Lungs/abdomen