View Full Version : This week has been HELL!

30-01-17, 03:02
This is the worst week I've ever had for health anxiety! I feel like I'm just dying. I started off worrying about Diabetes, then my heart and now colon cancer. This may be TMI but I'm losing my shit, literally. I was taking a poop and and I started to wipe and everything was fine and then when I was about to finish I looked at the last piece of toilet paper and saw blood on it. I'm use to seeing that because lately there's been a little blood when I wipe (think I have a small little fissure) because my anus had been itching and pooping feels uncomfortable hut the blood was about the size of a penny. I know that dosent sound like a lot but I've only ever had a little bit of blood and this was the biggest I've seen. I kept wiping and there was no more blood, the stool also had no blood in it. I googled it of course and saw colon cancer. Instantly freaked out because of the symptoms. "Exessive gas" which sent me over the edge because I fart a lot. I have ever since my anxiety started. I'm at the edge of having a panic attack. I feel awful, I'm tired, I'm anxious uhhh. I'm dying, I'm sure of it lol.

30-01-17, 03:24
I googled it of course and saw colon cancer. Instantly freaked out because of the symptoms. "Exessive gas" which sent me over the edge because I fart a lot. I have ever since my anxiety started. I'm at the edge of having a panic attack. I feel awful, I'm tired, I'm anxious uhhh. I'm dying, I'm sure of it lol.

This made me laugh my ass off. :D
Doesn't that just perfectly describe the life of an anxiety sufferer?

I think you have a hemmoroid. Or however you spell it.
The "itching" was the clue.
Itchy bottom and blood spot on toilet paper = hemmerhoid.
It will be okay.
I am sorry you're having such a rough week.
At my worst, I go through believing I have three or four different types of cancer in a week. But the weird thing I've noticed is that I never worry about two kinds simultaneously. The minute a cancer fear pops up, it immediately replaces the cancer fear I was already dealing with. The old focus is replaced by the new one. They do not exist simultaneously.
Damn, this is a tough condition to live with.
Best of luck.

30-01-17, 06:05
It's just so exhausting.

30-01-17, 07:50
I almost don't know what to say to you here. So should I even be replying? I just think your anxiety continues to run away with you and you're not on top of it. It's anxiety that you need to deal with, as do the vast majority of users of this forum.

Blood on wiping is extremely common. I'm sure you know the obvious reason for it.

30-01-17, 08:51

Itchy bum is a good sign of roids. It may get sore, you may get some blood on the paper and in your underwear, there may be shooting pains at times of flare up, you may feel a lump, you may get stool shape changes, gas, etc. Mucus is common too.

Been there, done that. I've had mine nearly 20 years.

If you have the runs, they may bleed too since the acid irritates them. But mostly straining is going to flare them up.

Look at the fibre in your diet, get plenty of water, wear loose underwear at flare up times as it can help, keep working on stress levels.

Roids are so common, it's by far the most likely reason. Your doctor can easily check with a quick examination but they may just work it out from what you say.

If you search for blood in your poo, you will find anal cancers. Blood is a sign but remember that's just because they aim for precaution and the problem with that cancer is it isn't always spotted until there is blood. This is why our NHS tell us to always see a doctor to let them decide but that's just caution and the majority will be something like roids which are very common.

I've had blood on & off for nearly 20 years. I never see a GP. I had all the checks when it started.

Try to distract yourself. Try to rationalise.

30-01-17, 12:31
More than likely hemmorhoids or your fissure but cancer isn't the only thing that causes bleeding. I bleed a lot and don't have cancer :)

30-01-17, 14:05
Agree with the other's. You can soak your butt in a sitz bath or even in a bathtub with warm water to ease any pain or discomfort whether you have a hemmie or a fissure. You can also try Preparation H gel. They also have wipes.

30-01-17, 16:44
Pop a germaloid capsule up your arse. (Don't push too far)

Probably review your diet too and see what you can do to improve your anxiety and your anus.

31-01-17, 03:59
Agree with the other's. You can soak your butt in a sitz bath or even in a bathtub with warm water to ease any pain or discomfort whether you have a hemmie or a fissure. You can also try Preparation H gel. They also have wipes.

Yes, salt water baths help with itching & soreness. An old fashioned remedy doctors & nurses swear by for many things.

01-02-17, 04:50
I'm laughing reading these comments. I appreciate it all but I just having a rough month and it doesn't feel like February is going to be any better. Heart palpations are back and Im convincing myself I'm on the verge of death at 18 years old.

01-02-17, 05:15
Heart palpitations are nothing to worry about, especially if you've had the all-clear from a doctor. Everybody gets them to some extent. They aren't a sign of anything other than anxiety in most cases and you certainly won't drop dead.

01-02-17, 05:24
January can be a bad month for everyone. Long before my anxiety started I would be talking to many people at work about how crap January is. So, maybe things will lift?

If your mood is suffering, you could try and work on that. At least this thread has give you a laugh anyway! :biggrin:

We tend to eat a lot of garbage over Xmas, maybe you have been feeling the impact of it? So, perhaps eating healthy could help turn that around?

Your media is going nuts over Trump too, are you suffering a bit because of any of that?

01-02-17, 05:42
If it's any consolation at my hospital where I work there are about 50 scopes a day for rectal bleeding, gas, bloating etc. and at least 95% are haemorrhoids.

01-02-17, 06:37
If it's any consolation at my hospital where I work there are about 50 scopes a day for rectal bleeding, gas, bloating etc. and at least 95% are haemorrhoids.

That's really good to know, Leah thanks, although painful to think about! Luckily I've only had the halfway house, the sigmoidoscopy for mine and it was only to rule things out and back up the roids diagnosis.

01-02-17, 07:48
No, I'm not having any outside stresses just worrying about my health constantly. I've been having heart palpations for just around 5 hours now. I can feel it in my throat and it's just so terrifying. I wish I could go to the doctors but at the same time I know it'd be a waste of money. I appreciate all the help guys, I really do.

01-02-17, 08:09
Can you try to distract yourself? You've had success before in enjoying your life and it might help to pull you out of the current spiral?

01-02-17, 08:12
I'm honestly trying my hardest lol. I just have this lump feeling in my throat. I can't tell if it's a heart palpations or acid reflux, but I start to get anxious over it and my heart starts to flutter and I panic more. I'm afraid I have afib or STV.

01-02-17, 08:59
To me it sounds like benign ectopic heartbeats. Extra pronounced when you are stressed and highly anxious.

01-02-17, 16:11
I have no idea but I'd love for it to stop so my mind can quit wandering.