View Full Version : Major trigger yesterday - BC fears back again

30-01-17, 07:58
So apart from the usual ibs symptoms on and off for a year now, I had some new ones which are a slight ache in my tailbone and sort of dull aches in the rectum which come and go.

I read an article in the Daily Mail yesterday about a 19 year old with bc who he just passed away and she mentioned tail bone pain which has triggered me now and I've been awake all night.

My main symptoms are pain under left and right ribs, excessive gas, constipation. I also have lower and upper back pain which I've had for years and pain in my hips when I get up from certain positions. I'm 44.

So now I'm imagining the worst again and thinking bc that has spread and is putting pressure on my tailbone or oc which has spread from ovaries.

I have a gp appointment on 7 Feb but don't expect her to do much. She's quite dismissive.

Someone help me please. At the same time I'm trying to cope with my 13 year old who has severe OCD and isn't functioning at the moment.

30-01-17, 14:45
This is why I try to avoid any and all health stories because they are major triggers for me. And they are always awful in that someone young or normal a few weeks ago is now dying of some terrible disease or has young kids or etc.etc.

If it hasn't changed or been the same for a long time I would think you are pretty safe. I try to tell myself that things like cancer are progressive and do not get better or get worse over time. You'd generally see big red flags, not little piddly things that are just our bodies being "noisy".

Don't be surprised if your GP blows you off yet again. My husband does that to me all the time. ;)