View Full Version : Blocked salivary glands?

Chris 614
30-01-17, 12:28
Hi. I know you aren't doctors, but it's 4:15am here and I'm trying to stay calm. The past two days I have had this feeling when I eat...it's sort of like the feeling you get when you would eat a lemon. That feeling in your jaw? Anyway, also when I eat it hurts on the left side of my mouth/jaw. A few hours ago it was hurting more and I realized I had some swelling in front of my left ear and along the jawline. Of course I googled, but didn't go to the scary stuff. I went to blocked salivary gland. It's possible that's what this is. I read about home remedies...don't have lemon drops on hand, but found some lemon Starbursts in the candy drawer and sucked on that for a bit. It might have helped a little...relieved some of the pressure. It's still not normal though. And, it isn't a dental issue.

I'm afraid to go to sleep because I'm afraid I'll wake up with huge swelling. Doctor's office opens at 8am...thought I would wait up for that and call them. This doesn't seem like something for the emergency room.

Anyway, I'm trying to be calm...but I feel scared and shaky inside. Has anyone ever had a blocked salivary gland? Any help would be appreciated.


30-01-17, 12:58
Hi, my son has a blocked salivary gland, checked doc & dentist, don't know if it is different for adults ( he's 10). For him it's a pea size firm lump at the jaw bone, luckily no pain. My first thought yours was dental, I had similar feelings when my last back teeth were erupting in my early twenties, but I know you don't think it is. Hope you can get some rest & I'm sure doc can help you in the morning, take care x

Chris 614
30-01-17, 18:07
Thanks for responding. I fell asleep and when I got up there was no huge swelling. It's feeling better. If I stopped poking in that area it would probably not have much pain at all! I'm going to continue with the sour candy and see what happens. I will probably call my doctor's office to talk to a nurse. I would rather not have to go in for an appointment.

30-01-17, 22:21
Good to hear it's feeling better. Hope you have a good day �� Take care x