View Full Version : I'm so frightened

30-01-17, 15:20
Hello all,

Last week I told you all how I was being sent for an ECG. Well, today I had said ECG...

I knew something was up when I asked the nurse "is it ok" and her reply was "You have a regular heartbeat..." and then trailed off.

She got the doctor who said that my heartbeat was slightly fast and that, more worringly to me, there were some small abnormalities.

Good grief am I frightened.

Doctor said that they will investigate further but to try not to worry (ha!). I do have an underactive thyroid so having bloods done (third ones in week... yay...) to check if that is overactive.
She said it could also be down to me being very sick over Christmas (I had a cold bug from hell that lasted well over a month. My mum had it too), plus having a rheumatoid test come back positive last week, plus having chronic hives for the last three months.

Basically she said it could be because I am really run down after having a crap couple of months

Still, very frightened :(

30-01-17, 15:23
if it was sinister I would think they would have done more to act on it right away, saying that I know I would have reacted the same.

Try to take it easy on yourself while you wait it out.

30-01-17, 15:24
there were some small abnormalities.

Who said this to you, and what were they?

30-01-17, 15:32
Hello all,

Last week I told you all how I was being sent for an ECG. Well, today I had said ECG...

I knew something was up when I asked the nurse "is it ok" and her reply was "You have a regular heartbeat..." and then trailed off.

She got the doctor who said that my heartbeat was slightly fast and that, more worringly to me, there were some small abnormalities.

Good grief am I frightened.

Doctor said that they will investigate further but to try not to worry (ha!). I do have an underactive thyroid so having bloods done (third ones in week... yay...) to check if that is overactive.
She said it could also be down to me being very sick over Christmas (I had a cold bug from hell that lasted well over a month. My mum had it too), plus having a rheumatoid test come back positive last week, plus having chronic hives for the last three months.

Basically she said it could be because I am really run down after having a crap couple of months

Still, very frightened :(

I've had an ECG which showed fast heartbeat and abnormalities..turned out to be nowt. Had echo done since and it's all working as it should, just fast due to the anxiety. Try not to worry. X

30-01-17, 15:35
My regular doctor, the nurse went to get her. I'm not sure what they were. I was too freaked to ask and didn't want to scare myself further.

Whatever it was it was something that could have been caused by stress, illness, or having an over active thyroid apparently

---------- Post added at 15:35 ---------- Previous post was at 15:33 ----------

I've had an ECG which showed fast heartbeat and abnormalities..turned out to be nowt. Had echo done since and it's all working as it should, just fast due to the anxiety. Try not to worry. X

Thank you! I could cry at that.
The fast beat thing doesn't worry me as much because my heart has always been a tiny bit fast (in science in school I used to lie about my pulse reading because it was more than everyone else's).
To be honest the doc didn't seem too concerned. Just something they wanted to get checked.
Thank you <3

30-01-17, 15:38
Agree with the previous posters. As someone who has heart issues, I know for a fact they don't mess around. If it were concerning, you wouldn't have left the office I assure you!

Positive thoughts

30-01-17, 15:41
Thanks Fishmanpa. That makes me feel a lot better :)

02-02-17, 13:04
Hello, me again!

So I've been worrying since having the ECG because of course I have. My parents dropped me off at my boyfriend's house yesterday morning and left around 1pm. My boyfriend was going to be in work until 6pm ish.

This was the first time I'd been alone since the ECG.

I had a nap for an hour but when I woke up I got up to quickly, ran to the loo (carrying my dog) because I was desperate, then carried my dog downstairs. Of course, my heart started to beat faster from the running, dog carrying and stair descending. And that set me off.

Started to feel shaky, needed the toilet again, couldn't sit still. Phoned my mum and had a chat with her, started to feel better. Decided with her that I should go and see my elderly neighbours who are awesome and would sit with me until my fear subsided. Went to their door but got no answer, they were out.

Went back home, called my mum again, a little shaken up. Phoned my boyfriend at work (something I don't like to do) but couldn't get through to him either. Then panic hit big time.
My parents were 2 hours away, my neighbours were out and I couldn't get in touch with my boyfriend. My mum stayed with me on the phone and about 10 mins later my boyfriend got in touch and was able to come home. The panic eased slightly but then flared again about 2 hours later. I was beside myself with the thought of being alone the next day

My boyfriend offered to take me back to my parents house (or take me to work with him the next day, haha). I said I would think about it as I rushed to the loo for the upteenth time.
He came up to ask what I wanted to do and I just broke down crying. The idea of being alone and not being able to get in touch with anyone was more than I could bear. So we agreed he would take me home to my parents and I'd have a phone chat with my doctor the next day

So I phoned the doc today. My regular doc wasn't in but I spoke to another doctor who I really like. I told him I was really scared about my ECG results.

He took a look and said that the results didn't concern him in the slightest. He said my heart was a little fast (102 bpm) but that it was probably down to how anxious I was. He said the referral was a good idea, just because, but that there was nothing on it that concerned him and that it was pretty normal.

This month has been pretty rotten for me. My rheumatoid arthritis test came back positive, I've been getting chronic hives for about three months and was put on meds for that just over a week ago so its no surprise I've been a little stressed!

15-02-17, 23:08
Well, had my referral letter a couple of days ago. Going to have a 24 hour ecg on Wednesday - Thursday.

A little nervous but doing better :)

15-02-17, 23:13
I have heart fears too. Let us know how your 24 hour monitor goes. I just had one and am waiting on the results.

23-02-17, 11:33
Trying not to freak out. In hospital waiting room.

Had my 24 hour monitor fitted yesterday at 2pm . My 11pm it was burning horribly. I phoned nhs direct who told me to take it off. Been left with two burn like welts. Fun times.

Handed in the ecg and did told me he's have a quick run through then get back to me in 5-10 mind.

So nervous