View Full Version : Terrified of Leukemia

30-01-17, 17:08
Hi there,

I posted a thread while back on my headaches. I basically had intermittent headaches lasting 5 months and still get them to this day, though not nearly as bad and frequent. Due to this, I was booked in with a neurologist back before Christmas, and have an MRI of the Head and Neck booked for the 20th of Feb.

After worrying about all sorts such as brain tumours and aneurysms, I've recently developed a fear of Leukemia. I'm a 25 year old mana nd know it's not out of the realm of possibilty for me to get it.

This isn't the only reason of course. Along with the headaches, I noticed a strange lump on the back of my neck. I believed it was a lymph but two doctors have confirmed it's more of a skin problem, as it's too small.
I've been noticing a lot of random bruising on me lately though. On saturday morning I woke up with 3 bruises on my leg all within range of each other. This leg in particular has been aching for a few days as well as the rest of my body, particulary my hips and arms and bum.

I've had a runny nose on and off for the past few weeks, and had an ear infection just before christmas. I took some drops and it seemed to heal up, however this weekend I woke to a lot of earwax and it seems the infection is back.

I've also notice red spots developing on both my legs. I've had a bruise on my arm for a fair few weeks now thats yellow in colour. I had another one on my arm too but that healed fairy fast, and the blood test I had done today has barely resulted in a bruise.
However, last night I had a bit of bloody snot. Not a full on nose bleed, but blood when I blew into a tissue. This really frightened me as I never suffer from nose bleeds. I'm just over all achey, and my muscles feel week when I keep them elevated while playing my 3DS, or applying pressure to them.

After the doctors today I noticed a massive swollen node on my neck. I can tell it's different to the spot I had analysed earlier. Its big, hard, and seems to have come from nowhere.

As stated, I had a blood test today and should get the results on Wednesday.

Im just depressed, sad, and angry. I feel like I got rid of my brain tumour worries only for something like this to happen. It seems I'm finding a new symptom every day, but they're definitely there and physical, and it's not just in my mind.
It's killing to me put a smile on when Im with my girlfriend so she doesn't worry. She means the world to me, and helps take my mind off things greatly. However the thoughts come rushing back, and I feel like if I do have Leukemia, I'm not gonna get to be with her forever. It's kills me inside.

You guys helped greatly with my brain tumour scares, anyone willing to help me with this would be awesome.

30-01-17, 18:33
I had this fear too. It's still lurking, I can't quite make up my mind which disease I think my symptoms point to anymore :/
I try not to read too much about leukemia symptoms, but from what I've gathered they're pretty intense. People aren't just floating around getting on with life, it causes major fatigue and people usually look very poorly too. That's what kind of shook the fear of it a bit for me. Plus I think the bruises are deep coloured, not like little bumps or bruises we might get just from day to day moving around. During my leukemia fear I was sat watching the TV and had an itch on the back of my leg. Obviously panic stations were reached and I examined my leg. Absolutely sh*t myself because there was a big brown patch where I'd been itching. I literally through myself up the stairs into the bathroom, panic rising, absolutely demented and got a closer look. Rang my boyfriend hyperventilating at this point. He's like 'didnt you do a fake tan yesterday?'.
Ah yes, yes I did. Just a botched fake tan sent me into meltdown. We shouldn't examine our body's, we're just too creative!
You dont have leukemia x

31-01-17, 12:42
Thank you for your response LF87.
It is amazing how our minds can run away with us. It just makes things extremely difficult when you have a symptoms in common with a drastic disease.

The doctors asked me to ring today and told me my blood clotting level was abnormal and to see him again in 2 weeks. Of course this freaked me out, and is once again a sign of Leukemia.
2 weeks is gonna feel like forever. I hate this.