View Full Version : Heart Palpitations

30-01-17, 17:49

Anyone suffer from Heart Palpitations? They have been really bad today, and slightly increased my "panic feeling" I have been under a lot of work pressure and some personal life issues that I am not facing up to. I am wondering if anyone here as experienced a similar thing and if so what they did about it.

30-01-17, 18:04
Have you tried doing any breathing/relaxation exercises, type it in on google or follow one on YouTube they may help ease it

30-01-17, 19:20
yes for many many years they can't hurt you don't worry at all

30-01-17, 22:18
Yes! I get them ALL the time. I do breathing exercises- look up diaphragmatic belly breathing on you tube.

31-01-17, 21:04
Get them off and on. Now when they happen I try to think positively - like my heart is just saying hello, or reminding me that it exists. It's helping take the panic out of them. Might not work for everyone though!

01-02-17, 14:37
Try to constientize that its only anxiety they are not real .Try to make some relaxation tehniques and meditation search on youtube ..Also try to calm your thoughts and to fous on other things

01-02-17, 22:45
I get them too.
I had a bad "attack" of them about a year who - I'm not sure what to call it, but they lasted about 4 hours. I went to the hospital at that time, had an ECG, underwent tests and ended up wearing a heat monitor for 48-hours.

Everything came back ok, but it was indeed scary as heck.
From what I'm told they can't hurt you and they're pretty common. The difference between us and everyone else is that we're so in tuned with our bodies it freaks us out.

My partner gets them here and there and barely notices them/shakes them off right away. I get them and I'm laying on in bed convincing myself of something horrid haha.