View Full Version : Question about partial seizures

30-01-17, 21:13
So I'm still stuck on this one, worrying about partial seizures. This has been going on since before Christmas and I thought I had it under control but evidently not. I keep getting these phantom snells. Today it happened a couple of times, some days I don't get it at all. It's a kind of chemical smell, like nail polish or strong glue or something. It lasts a few seconds normally then it's gone. Sometimes when it's happening I can sniff something else and that will override the smell. I just am not sure how I'm going to get past this without an MRI whicj my Dr doesn't seem interested in referring me for. Surely I can't be imagining this smell?

---------- Post added at 21:13 ---------- Previous post was at 18:06 ----------


30-01-17, 21:22
I read so many posts of people getting hung up on "phantom smells" and automatically jumping to partial seizures caused by brain tumors.

Can you be imagining them? Sure, especially since you have assigned something sinister to them. I know back when my sister was dx'd with a brain tumor, I started getting smells pretty darned often. I didn't then, nor do I now have a brain tumor Or seizures. it was all me reacting to the stressful situation my sister was in.

Smelling things that are not there is not an unusual phenomena. it happens to people. Often just because or sinus issues or anxiety and stress.

You can chase that unicorn if you want, but you will not catch him.

30-01-17, 22:54
Thank you sixpack. I need to take a hold of myself really... I'm doing that classic thing of 'I would be able to beat this anxiety IF ONLY it weren't for the phantom smells - they really MUST be something serious'. It's always going to be something. I guess maybe I should get myself on the meds that my Dr has given me but I decided not to take!

31-01-17, 21:24
Thank you worryworryworry for your words of encouragement, I can't tell you how much it means! I remember you replying to me before about this so I apologise for keeping on about it. I will try my best to rationalise this and try to keep in mind that it doesn't necessarily have to be something bad.