View Full Version : Dentist worries

30-01-17, 19:22
Hi guys, I'm still pretty new around here so finding my feet. I haven't been to the dentist in 10 years :( my dad has always been scared and this manifested itself in me too and now I am worried that when I do go there's going to be a lot of work needed. I smoked for 7 years, heavily and of course I brush my teeth but I'm not the best ever and I did drink a lot of fizzy drinks and eat so much crap. Does anyone have any advice for me? I am so scared I am even imagining toothache when I start to think about it.

Thanks in advance.

30-01-17, 19:32
Hi Jane

Been exactly where you are just now. I knew I needed quite a bit done, this coupled with suffering from agoraphobia at the time, added so much fuel to my fear. I put it off and put it off for years too and then one day, I picked up the phone and made an appointment. To cut a long story short, I now wonder why I was so scared because although I had quite a bit done, I never felt anything at all.

If you ring your dentist and explain your fear, they will take things very slowly for you. You can initially just go in for a chat without them even giving you a check up. Everything is so different now and I just wish I'd gone sooner.



30-01-17, 19:39
If you ring your dentist and explain your fear, they will take things very slowly for you.

Exactly. That's what I was going to say. Dentists are quite aware that people have anxiety over them so these days, they're very good at making you comfortable and as stress free as possible.

Positive thoughts

30-01-17, 19:58
That's exactly what they did for me Fish. I was like a gibbering wreck when I attended my first appointment but by the time I left, I felt completely different. Not like the old old days eh?. lol x

30-01-17, 20:00
Im in this same boat. I know I need a lot of work as I have a couple missing and a couple more that need to be and a partial but between my fear and the money (not so much the money) I have stalled the decision.

30-01-17, 20:30
Mr Clench

I hope you manage to take the plunge soon. I promise it won't be anywhere near what your fear is telling you. I had a very bad experience at the dentist when I was 15 so I put off going again for years, went and got everything one and then avoided it again for years. I think the last lot of treatment finally made me face it rationally but let's face it, no one really likes going to the dentist eh?. :hugs:


30-01-17, 20:42
Due my anxiety and depression being very bad for a number of years I did not take care of myself, at all. Brushing my teeth regularly was at the bottom of my priority list. I ended up not seeing a dentist for 10 years too.

Then, last year, my boyfriend made me make an appointment with a local dentist who specialises in nervous patients.

I was a wreck. I just *knew* I'd need teeth out, a thought that frightened me as I still had them all, and I was sure a root canal was on the cards too. All I knew for sure was that I would need a lot of work. I'd taken such bad care of my teeth, and though I didn't eat many sweets I did quite like fizzy drinks (up until two years ago). I was beside myself, afraid and full of shame at what I'd done to myself...

So I went...

I needed three fillings. That was it. One of them wasn't even that bad, they just dealt with it so it wouldn't be a problem. I left feeling great, if not very shocked!

So take the plunge. It probably isn't as bad as you think :D

30-01-17, 21:52
Thank you to everyone who has replied to me. I am so nervous. My agoraphobia has been awful but I am finally getting a hold of things so feeling a little more brave in general. I called my local dentist but they said the wait time is between 3 and 7 months :(

I have toothache right now and I'm not sure if I even have it or it's the nerves. I know I will definitely need fillings but I am more worried about something like a root canal for sure. I feel so silly for leaving it so long to the point where I can't imagine ever getting it dealt with.

30-01-17, 21:54
Mr Clench
