View Full Version : Temple movement or Twitch

30-01-17, 19:36
My left temple I felt a movement or twitch I'm scared something wrong

30-01-17, 20:38
Please try not to over think this. We all get little twitches from time to time. It doesn't indicate a problem, it's just one of those things we get. I've had quite a
predominant twitch in my right eyelid for two weeks now but I think nothing of it. It will go when it's fed-up twitching. Lol

Honestly, don't worry about it.


30-01-17, 21:45
twitches are nothing to worry about

30-01-17, 23:47
I had body wide twitching for 6 months, and now both eyes for almost a month. I also get temple twitches when I have headaches. Try not to worry

31-01-17, 05:08
I have the same thing at the moment. Actually I have had a temple twitch for a week. I also have a headache but I have a bad sinus infection and my dr. said it will just take time to go away. You'll be fine. I get twitches often. I used to freak out a lot over them. I had a twitch in my thumb for over a few months once and that was 10 years ago.. Twitches are a part of life.

---------- Post added 31-01-17 at 00:08 ---------- Previous post was 30-01-17 at 23:47 ----------

Hi Stressed,
I just looked over your profile and I read one of your first posts. I too, have had health anxiety since I was very young. I think it was because my mother has raised me to be aware of every little thing that is wrong. Both my brother and I have OCD and generalized anxiety. I do have health anxiety as well but it is getting better since I keep reading up on new things to get better.

I also read that you are a new mother. Or relatively new. This was the time that my anxiety sky rocketed!!!!!!!! I now have a five year old and I am improving a lot now. It is really really difficult to adjust to being a new mom. Especially when you have all of these issues as well. It's hard enough to take care of yourself and let alone a whole other person. Also leaving the house is really hard when you have a child which leaves you a bit isolated. This is a hard time and it will pass. I promise.

I youtube a lot of of things to make me feel better.

Check out Anita Moorjani on TED talks. She was a great comfort to me. Also, Louise Hay wrote a book called, "the power is within you" she has an audiobook online that you can buy and download and it doesn't cost much. I listen to her as much as I can and little by little it helps. I only mention these things to you because I know how expensive a therapist can be (which i recommend too) and leaving the house might not be an option for a new mom.

My husband hates that I have this affliction since he worries about nothing ever. If it's not one disease it's another for me. Or it was, I have improved so much. Oh yes, and stop listening to the damned news. Always stories about what gives you cancer or what disease this and that. People with health anxiety will perk up the minute that crap is on. STAY AWAY. and of course you know to avoid googling at all costs. I have banned myself and these things keep the panic at bay. I hope you are ok and if you aren't I hope you have a strong network of friends or family to talk to. My brother is my only voice of reason and he has terrible OCD but he goes to LOTS of therapy and helps me most. If you don't, please tell someone you know who might understand, it really helps to talk it out.