View Full Version : Scalp melanoma

31-01-17, 09:12
Sorry if this is a trigger for anyone. This month I've known two people I went to school with diagnosed with melanoma of the scalp ( under their hair) what the hell ? How does this even happen. I know in reality it does but who the hell checks their scalps for lumps everyday?.. I asked the doctor and he said it's less likely but still does occur on areas with hair cover. This has been my focus all week. I sit at my desk and feel my scalp for some lumps. Both the young people i know diagnosed were too late in their discovery and have it on their liver, brains and bones. I feel tempted to shave my head just to see if there are melanomas under there. ( probably a bit extreme) Does everyone check their scalps often like they would their skin ?... this would take forever. All in all I have now met 6 people with scalp melanomas. The previous 4 were older and 2 of these survived. This is causing me extreme anxiety because it's not something you can really be on the lookout for.

Clydesdale Epona
31-01-17, 22:22
I've never heard of scalp melanoma interestingly, the big 'C' has never actually been a worry about mine, i unintentionally check my scalp daily because at night i tend to run my fingers through my hair(a weird but enjoyable habit haha) and in my opinion you would notice if you did generally, as your doctor said "its less likely" and i think it helps to realize that unfortunately we can't be on the lookout for everything x

31-01-17, 22:52
My nephew's wife's mother had a melanoma found on the scalp. So, yes, it happens.

I run my hands through my hairs. I have even felt skin things there. Never put anymore thought into it than that. My bigger fear concerning my scalp is lice ACKKKKKK. My kids have had it twice. Which meant I have had them twice. The last time was 4 years ago. Those things are PITA for sure.

01-02-17, 03:33
Sorry if this is a trigger for anyone. This month I've known two people I went to school with diagnosed with melanoma of the scalp ( under their hair) what the hell ? How does this even happen. I know in reality it does but who the hell checks their scalps for lumps everyday?.. I asked the doctor and he said it's less likely but still does occur on areas with hair cover. This has been my focus all week. I sit at my desk and feel my scalp for some lumps. Both the young people i know diagnosed were too late in their discovery and have it on their liver, brains and bones. I feel tempted to shave my head just to see if there are melanomas under there. ( probably a bit extreme) Does everyone check their scalps often like they would their skin ?... this would take forever. All in all I have now met 6 people with scalp melanomas. The previous 4 were older and 2 of these survived. This is causing me extreme anxiety because it's not something you can really be on the lookout for.

That is an amazing number of people to know with scalp melanoma.
Where on earth do you live? I don't recognize your flag.
Wherever it is, wear a hat when you go out.
Best wishes.

01-02-17, 05:20
I live in Australia... but funnily enough 3 out of the 6 were foreigners. 2 from the US and one from England.

01-02-17, 07:49
I think you should buy a lottery ticket, the odds of meeting 6 people with melanomas let alone cases of it appearing in the same area are astronomical.

Even in Australia its still considered a relatively rare disease and on the scalp even more uncommon, im guessing those people never wore hats or had skin screenings.

With the amount of walk in skin screening clinics we have now, and having a check once or twice a year the chances of skin cancer going undetected should be slim to none.

01-02-17, 09:30
Yeah, I do work in a hospital though so the two older ones I've met were there for treatment and this therefore sways the odds in meeting people with it . If I take into account all different types/ locations of melanomas on people I have met outside of work in my entire life I only count 11. They are still generally rare in Aust but because I watched my brother in law die from an acral melanoma ( incredibly rare) which was misdiagnosed as a plantar wart by 3 Dr's. ( it actually made state news it was a huge case) this made me hyper vigilant of melanoma. You guys over there don't need to worry as much as we do here. It's probably as common here as pancreatic or sarcoma is over there. Not common but not so rare you never see it.

01-02-17, 13:29
Well if you dont have simptoms of it no need o worry .Try to sugestionate yourself that this its a an anxiety problen not a real problem say to yourself that its just a thought