View Full Version : Hi I'm New here!!

16-04-07, 21:09
Hi All,

I have just found this web site after hearing about it on the radio today. Looks like a great site.

I have been suffering from anxiety attacks since january now and have been taking beta blockers to help me cope.

Now hoping to cope even better now that I have found some fellow sufferers get me through these horrible times!!



16-04-07, 21:27
Hi David

And welcome to NMP, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:)


16-04-07, 21:32
Hi David

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of support and advice and meet some fab people.

Can I ask what radio station/programme it was on please?

17-04-07, 00:14
Hi David

welcome to NMP its great here!

17-04-07, 01:55
Hi David

Welcome aboard, you will be well supported here, a place where you can talk honesty about how you feel and feel safe. No one know who you are so your talking to strangers that are going through extremely difficult times.

Dont hold it in when you can share and we can care about what is happening for you.

Take care

17-04-07, 08:58
Hi David,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

17-04-07, 12:54
Hi David, welcome aboard, a friendly bunch here, feel free to chat


Pink Princess
17-04-07, 12:59
hey david welcome to the site where you will get a lot of good friends and support
take kare xxx

17-04-07, 14:14
Hey David, Welcome!!!, lots of support here!!!! Sky

17-04-07, 14:17
:welcome: hi david i am new too! looks like a very good site!

17-04-07, 19:21
Hi David

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of support and advice and meet some fab people.

Can I ask what radio station/programme it was on please?

Hi Nicola

I heard your web site mentioned on a radio programme called Turning Point broadcast on Radio Scotland on Monday of this week. You can catch it via the BBC's 'Listen Again' on http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/ if you are interested.



17-04-07, 19:46
hi david

just want 2 say abig welcome and hope 2 chat soon

love sandy xxx

22-04-07, 16:15
Hi David,

Welcome to NMP. You will find so much support here and will make many new friends along the way.

Laura :)

22-04-07, 16:42

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

27-09-08, 12:52
Hi to everyone,

It s nice to read all about other people who are going through the same thing i am - im 31, and suffer from Health anxiety have done now for over a year its hell on earth it started 6 months after i had my little boy.

Tried all sorts of medication anti-depressents etc but cant seem to cope with all of the horrible side effects - so currently am going it alone - Doc says im hypersensitive lol.

Anyway enough of my waffling on - its nice to know there are other people out there.


27-09-08, 14:29
Hi David

Welcome to NMP!

You'll find lots of useful info, advice and support here.

28-09-08, 16:43
Hello David And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

milly jones
28-09-08, 23:04
welcome to our nmp family

love milly xx :blush:

28-09-08, 23:54
Hey worry welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

Cathy V
29-09-08, 00:04
I'll say welcome to you too...even tho you joined in april 2007 :D