View Full Version : Relapse of Physical Symptoms (still positive)

31-01-17, 13:57
Dear all,

I'm here to mainly thank a lot of the contributors for their fantastic messages of clarity and support to other posters. They are very useful in helping me attempt to vanquish my own health worries and realise that such bizarre yet very real symptoms can be very much caused by anxiety.

I don't consider myself a very anxious person, expect in the matters of hypochondria. I do have the tendency to fear the worst though- for example, I now have developed a fear of flying that I never used to have.

About ten years ago, after a period of hypochondria-induced stress (pains down my left side etc.), I suffered a bout of painful muscle stiffness/tension/weakness that struck from nowhere; I had just had a summer full of happy memories and was really feeling in great shape. At that point, I had just seen two neuros and they had given me the all clear.

As I am sure many of you can relate to, this triggered a real state of worry and anxiety about my health- fear of MS etc. which lasted about 10 months. There were many moments of constant pain, stiffness and tiredness, but I did my best to get through. After finally being told by two more neuros (post MRI Scan) that there was nothing to worry about- One neuro put it down to anxiety and, in a beautifully dismissive fashion, told me to enjoy life- solid advice for everyone!

I must have somehow managed to mentally break free, as I went for the last ten years only feeling the same symptoms on three occasions (2008, 2011 and 2013) and mostly for no more than a week. I dismissed it at the time and remembered how I managed to defeat it last time. By forgetting about it. I vowed never to look online for medical advice and always to trust my doctor (who actually have always been accurate). I would still think every lump, mole, ache was a serious medical complaint, but this would be immediately assuaged by a visit to the doctor.

However, at Christmas this year, out of nowhere, the symptoms have reappeared, despite me being in a generally happy state: bizarre sensations from my head, sporadically weak wrists, feeling of tight muscles, stiffness, perceived muscle weakness, especially when I wake up., stiffness in the back. They have remained ever since- it is as bad as it has ever been and is proving to be a real burden on me, especially as I recently became a father last May, so can’t really find the time to entirely relax! The doctor has done some blood tests and nothing has shown up. I am trying to push on again by cycling, yoga, running, swimming etc., but my body doesn’t seem to sustain the pace or fully recover like it used to. I am really disappointed to say it has consumed my thoughts again, as even when I feel positive about all the good in my life, I can’t shake off this feeling of chronic pain etc.

My main question to the forum is: if one suffers from mild anxiety disorder, can such physical symptoms occur out of nowhere? The relapse element of my condition scares me that it is MS or something worse that will degenerate, but then again, I’m not sure my symptoms match that. For instance, I don’t understand why I woke up feeling worse today, when I am not stressed and am aware that it is most likely anxiety that is aggravating these symptoms. I guess I will need to have a full neuro examination to make myself feel entirely confident again!

Also, I would like to finish on a positive note for those who might be anxious about similar states/symptoms- you can get through it- I was seriously down in the dumps in 2007, but when I channelled my energies into something else, (distracted myself with work, travelling, fun, friends, exercise etc.) and just accepted my condition, I was blessed with the best decade of my life- I am hoping I can manage it again!

Wishing everyone the best.

31-01-17, 15:26
Yes, mild or severe anxiety can cause all that. Anxiety in general can cause all of that because it's aligned with your nervous system processes. That's why so many anxious people latch onto neurological disorders because anxiety effects that system the same way a disease process would (without the real, clinical symptoms because anxiety cannot cause that). I've had similar symptoms to you, and I've had a barrage more. I suffer from severe anxiety and panic disorder though, as well as OCD and depression so it's not uncommon for me to feel like crap on a pretty consistent basis. You just learn to live with it after a while.

Sounds like you're doing good, I can tell you're rationalizing and making sense of this. A lot of us on these boards can't, or are too panicked to see clearly. Wishing you the best, and I'm sure you can put this thing in the ground like you did on so many other occasions.

31-01-17, 15:48
My shoulder-blade / rib pain is horrible at the moment - however when my rational head gets in place (helped I am ashamed to say my diazapam) I realise that tonight after a hot shower it will pretty much disappear and I should sleep though it. However - MOST of the time I'm convinced its something far more serious - I start a intensive CBT course this week and am hoping the help I get there will help.

Also - therapeutically a once a week "robust" back and shoulder massage seems to be helping me