View Full Version : Simply struggling...

31-01-17, 18:19
Things really hit today... :weep:

Talk about no support at uni - not even people on my group. :weep: They all decided to go out for a meal - I don't do social things and after 10 mins of them begging why... Told them simply.... I just cant do social things having tried for years like go out so no point me going to just make things worse.

Next lecture... group work.... pushed out of the group and removed/blocked on Uni site. Considering there are 14 others on the course. no one gives a dam!:mad:

After all I have done with them just shows they don't care or cant be bothered.


31-01-17, 19:23
Things really hit today... :weep:

Talk about no support at uni - not even people on my group. :weep: They all decided to go out for a meal - I don't do social things and after 10 mins of them begging why... Told them simply.... I just cant do social things having tried for years like go out so no point me going to just make things worse.

Next lecture... group work.... pushed out of the group and removed/blocked on Uni site. Considering there are 14 others on the course. no one gives a dam!:mad:

After all I have done with them just shows they don't care or cant be bothered.

Anyway..... It's not easy but sometimes you have to sometimes go with the flow otherwise you are in a trap and I am sure you want to change?
As for being pushed out and removed from the site this is terrible, don't they realise about MH conditions??? Is there no support team at uni you could have a word with? That would be my next thing I would be looking in to very seriously :)

31-01-17, 20:51
If you were blocked out of a class, I would talk to your professor or someone higher up and figure out what can be done. No way a group can kick you out like that, surely? And as the last poster said, is there no support?

It sounds like your group doesn't know you very well, but surely they are familiar with social anxiety? Instead of explaining for ten minutes, try saying, "I'm sorry, I struggle with terrible social anxiety. It can be hard to explain and hard to understand, but I just can't go out to dinner".

Is there anything that you could suggest instead? Maybe you all could stay in and have a meal or watch a movie?

31-01-17, 22:02
If you were blocked out of a class, I would talk to your professor or someone higher up and figure out what can be done. No way a group can kick you out like that, surely? And as the last poster said, is there no support?

It sounds like your group doesn't know you very well, but surely they are familiar with social anxiety? Instead of explaining for ten minutes, try saying, "I'm sorry, I struggle with terrible social anxiety. It can be hard to explain and hard to understand, but I just can't go out to dinner".

Is there anything that you could suggest instead? Maybe you all could stay in and have a meal or watch a movie? There has to be some official way to lodge a complaint with the university?? Good suggestion re a get together on familiar turf so to speak?:) Providing the OP gets on with them in first place!! Worth a try :)