View Full Version : Having my bloods repeated, nervous

17-04-07, 11:00
Seeing my GP tomorrow, my iron tablets are about to run out and im due my next blood count and ferritin level test. Its been 12 weeks and im really worried something has drastically changed because of how pants I feel so dreading going. I hate having all these blood tests:mad: they make me so anxious.

I feel so tired, my eyes are blurry, sensitive to light, more floaters...... all down to extreme tiredness but I am sleeping, I have even had 7 hours the last few nights and im shattered. Yes I get woken up once or twice but its getting abit better (i have 3 kids) I feel so lethargic all day long. I have had a good diet for months now so its not that and im drinking a few pints of water a day, making much more of an effort to hydrate myself.

I am maintaining my weight so im not concerned about that now but im paranoid what the bloods will show because of how run down I feel. My mum reckons not alot would of changed in 3 months so because my last results were fine I shouldn't be worrying but I didn't feel like this 3 months ago. She has low ferritin and she said it makes her feel exhausted, I cannot believe how tired and lethargic I feel though, my eyes burn when I shut them and they feel heavy all the time.

I have been so parnoid thinking bloody brain tumours or something nasty because of the symptoms ive got but a blood count would show if I had anything serious like that wouldn't it? tumour markers or something isnt it?also my dr checked my eyes only last month and said they were fine.

I feel crap today.

17-04-07, 11:16

Maybe you are so worried because you have to have these bloods done? As it happens, I have just had some bloods done this morning and can't say I enjoy the process between making the appointment and getting the result. I was supposed to have them done 10 days ago but I was so bad on the morning of that appointment I was unable to get out of bed. That was my mind preventing me from going!


17-04-07, 11:17
Yes I do hate going but I will go, im more nervous about what the results will be.

17-04-07, 11:25
Hello Cherry !
Having bloods done again will be very reassuring for you. It will be proof positive that you do not have any life threatening disease. Feeling anxious is plenty enough to make you feel pants ! When we feel so anxious our bodies very quckly become exhausted and then we start the worry-cycle of thinking there must be something seriously wrong. It's just our tired minds playing tricks on us again ......... Take comfort that everyone who logs on also feels like this at times and that it will get better.
Be kind to yourself

fed up with it
17-04-07, 11:28
Hi i felt really dizzy/faint all the time and my doctor kept saying it was anxiety, but ask for a blood test thank god, and my hb was 9 and my ferritin was 4. I have to keep asking for blood test because like you i am terrified my blood count will drop, i have my ferritin checked last night and will have to wait and see what the results will be! but can i ask you do you ache all over too, and do your legs get really weak heavy and achy, i feel so ill all the time, mine has never come back to normal though even though i take three a day, i must confess i sometimes forget, it does go up to border line sometimes, i read online it take 6-12 months to correct stores, let me know how it affects you i would be interested to know, i two struggle to cope with my two daughters aged 4 and 5 and need someone to walk them to school most days.

17-04-07, 12:07
Thank you both.

Carol poor you. I have been suffering with very bad tiredness and dizzy spells for years, i have 3 kids, age 5,3 & 18 months so its hard and the dfr thought it was all related to having kids until last summer when i felt faint after doing simple tasks like hoovering, my ears were ringing loud after housework and i generally felt crap, My hb levels were normal when he did a full MOT blood test, so ive never become anaemic but my ferritin was 19, then 3 months later it was 18 and last time in February it was 21.3, I was so glad it was going up but my dr said its still VERY low, do you know what range it should be?

I get leg pains, leg aches, very bad tiredness, my eyes feel heavy, my ears ring alot if i do housework or walk too far?????????? i feel like an invalid sometimes. Do you feel like this? my eyes feel heavy all the time and im just totally exhausted. I struggle to believe ferritin could be making me feel this way especially as mine has increased since my first test in August.

I take 2 ferrous gluconate a day, what do you take and how many? PM me if you prefer, be good to talk to someone who has the same problem.