View Full Version : Fluoxetine so far

01-02-17, 07:32
Today is week four on the 20mg fluoxetine so far all I have had is around 2 ok days other then that every day has been hell and a real struggle.

All I do is constantly worry and think about things which is why I got prescribed it along with 80mg propanol. I feel like I am sending myself crazy with all the worries I cannot control them which spirals fast into a panic of me thinking I'm never going to be normal again and I can't do this anymore.

I read lots and lots of posts about fluoxetine and worry it won't work for me but I'm trying to stick with it. I just think how can a tablet control my thoughts and worries I feel like it won't.

I have had three sessions of therapy so far but really only talked and answered questions so worry that's not going to help me either.

01-02-17, 11:54
I just think how can a tablet control my thoughts and worries I feel like it won't.

The tablet won't. The brain changes it creates probably will.

You're unable to control your thoughts and worries because a part of the brain which does this is not working effectively due to the a loss of brain cells. Antidepressants (and therapy) reverse the decline.

01-02-17, 12:20
thanks panic down under I have read a lot of your posts and you seem to be very educated on mental health and your replies really do help.

would you say after a month on flu I should see better results by now because I have had literally 2 good days

Bike Rider
01-02-17, 18:57
Too early yet and we are all different. Citalopram took 8 - 10 weeks to act on me and Fluox, we swapped to try and lift my mood, takes at least 5-6 weeks to get started.

Hang on in there, I was the same as you but slowly improved.

01-02-17, 21:36
twould you say after a month on flu I should see better results by now

Probably not.

because I have had literally 2 good days

Antidepressants typically kick-in in two ways. For some it is a case of one step forward, followed by two back for a while. They begin to have the occasional good hour, or day followed by relapse, with the good hours/days becoming steadily more numerous over a week or so. For others it is an almost instant light bulb moment. They awaken into a bright new world. There is no way of knowing how it will be for you.

02-02-17, 17:50
Is it normal to be so up and down on the fluoxetine iv had two more good days, yesterday and so far today but I have had therapy today so that might be hence why the good day so far today.

02-02-17, 20:35
Is it normal to be so up and down on the fluoxetine

Yes, as I wrote in my previous post. But it isn't necessarily all down to the drug. Anxiety levels may fluctuate wildly hour by hour, and/or day by day too, often without there being any obvious reasons for it.

Anxiety disorders can be weird, unpredictable beasts, so can the medications used to treat them. All part of the rich tapestry of life I guess.

03-02-17, 10:24
when does anyone think I should contact the doctors about my meds? I have not really benefited from them at all yet but too scared to tell the doctors incase they straight away just change the tablets or increase the dose and I have to start from scratch :(?


10-02-17, 13:48
I have had two ok days and now I can feel that I'm going back to square one my worries and negative thoughts are going out of control again.

Its day 39(half way through week 5) on the Fluox and just hoping this is a blip. After speaking to the doctor on Monday and them saying if I want to up the dosage from 20mg to 40mg but I haven't I thought I would stick with the 20mg for a bit longer now wondering if I should.

Just don't know what to do and worrying I'm going back to square one and the fluox isn't the right med for me. Such a kick in the teeth after thinking I was getting better after the past 2 days :weep:

10-02-17, 22:56
Just don't know what to do and worrying I'm going back to square one and the fluox isn't the right med for me.

It is still too early to draw any conclusions, unfortunately.

11-02-17, 06:11
Oh ok thanks panic down under.

I feel like I'm getting new symptoms of anxiety this week which iv never had before like really tense muscles in my legs do you think this is to do with the side effects.

Also I wanted some advise on relaxation. I have a cd from a NHS therapist but I have not been doing it because I'm am effected by anxiety and depression all mentally (negative thoughts, worries and constant questioning things) I thought how will this help reduce it surely it will only help physically but I don't really get and physical symptoms if you get what I mean.


11-02-17, 06:34
I feel like I'm getting new symptoms of anxiety this week which iv never had before like really tense muscles in my legs do you think this is to do with the side effects.

Muscle stiffness is a listed fluoxetine side-effect as are muscle pain and twitching.

I have a cd from a NHS therapist but I have not been doing it because I'm am effected by anxiety and depression all mentally (negative thoughts, worries and constant questioning things) I thought how will this help reduce it surely it will only help physically but I don't really get and physical symptoms if you get what I mean.

Relax the body and the mind will often follow. It is only a manifestation of a body part, the brain.

11-02-17, 06:53
i need to give it a go then I think.

Not sure if you have read my whole story panic down under but when I move back to my house will the fluoxetine help with every time I hear a bang or thud from next door it makes me feel sick, tense, on edge.

11-02-17, 10:58
but when I move back to my house will the fluoxetine help with every time I hear a bang or thud from next door it makes me feel sick, tense, on edge.

I guess that depends on whether you were reacting appropriately, or not. Antidepressants can greatly reduce stress and anxiety levels, but they won't stop you from freaking out were you to come face to face with a lion.

What is it about these noises that disturbs you so much?

11-02-17, 11:09
I don't know I have no idea why I can't just let it annoy me or whatever but get on with it without it making me ill like it has. I don't know if it's because I'm sensitive to noise or what. Iv never lived in a semi detached before only a detached so not sure if that had anything to do with it either. It's a bit strange I know but it is how all this depression/anxiety got triggered off.

When would you say fluoxetine is working at its maximum about 8-12weeks

11-02-17, 20:56
It's a bit strange I know but it is how all this depression/anxiety got triggered off.

Except that you've previously told me that you were beginning to gave issues even before you moved in. So the noises were most likely just the final straw that tipped your stress over the abyss, not the only, or even main cause. It is very possible/probable that once your anxiety levels are back under control you will see the noises as what they are, minor irritants, not the huge issue your mind currently demonises them to be.

Having lived in shared accommodation from time to time, such noises soon fade into the background. Even in detached houses things go bump in the night and others make noises. They just didn't register with you back home because you were used to them, and perhaps more critically to all this, felt safe.

When would you say fluoxetine is working at its maximum about 8-12weeks

It may be earlier, but it almost always is by week 12. The only question will be whether the dose at that time is high enough. Some fine tuning may be required, but if fluoxetine works then it should be having a significant affect by then even at 20mg.

12-02-17, 09:43
I hope my anxiety levels do get back under control because I keep thinking I'm ready to go back up to the house but then keep thinking to myself I'll hear a bang and it will set me off and when I think this I can feel the anxiety in me if that makes sense so then I think I'm not ready yet.

I have a review on Friday which will be over 6 weeks since I have been on the fluoxetine and I'm just petrified they will up my dosage and I will get lots of the nasty side effects again.

15-02-17, 18:27
Day 44 and had some ok days not good but ok then back down again. Negative thoughts and worries very strong and taking over me again.

Is this a good sign that the fluox is working if I have had some ok days? It's so disheartening when I feel ok and think things are looking up then they go back downhill again I'm guessing it's the same for everyone else and I really feel for everyone this illness is so hard

15-02-17, 20:43
Is this a good sign that the fluox is working if I have had some ok days?

Definitely yes. It shows the med is capable of having an impact. The one step forward, followed by several back shuffle is quite common with antidepressants. The important thing is the good days should gradually become more frequent and then begin outnumbering the bad after a while.

It's so disheartening when I feel ok and think things are looking up then they go back downhill again I'm guessing it's the same for everyone else and I really feel for everyone this illness is so hard

Unfortunately, there are yet no quick and easy solutions. These disorders are often a long time in the making and slow to respond to treatment, drugs or therapy. But they do respond most of the time.

17-02-17, 12:01
Got my review later with my GP so going to tell her how Iv been and she if she thinks I need a increase/change the dose. I feel petrified to do this because I don't want to go back to square one as I have read negative things about increasing the dose and changing medication.

Had about 6-7 sessions of therapy but not learnt how to deal with the anxiety/depression yet as most of the work we have been doing is questions but on my next session on Monday my therapist said we will start work in 'the chair' so not sure what therapy I will be doing.

Day 46 on 20mg fluox and 80mg propranolol