View Full Version : Sudden ear pain??

01-02-17, 07:51
Hello, all!
Hope you all are having a nice and anxiety free day! I have suddenly developed really had inner ear pain and a bit of hearing loss in my left ear? I am scared and confused!! I am currently taking Azithromycin for a supposed case of strep throat- could I still get an ear infection on antibiotics? I can't help but think- could this mean I am about to suddenly die? Should I rush to the e/r?
Has anyone else come down with sudden ear pain?
Thank you all so much!!

Chris 614
01-02-17, 08:35
You aren't going to suddenly die from inner ear pain! Is the pain constant or just momentary? If you're fighting a strep infection you have probably had a bad sore throat? I'm obviously not a doctor, but the throat and ears are all connected around there. I have had sudden ear pain recently when I had an upper respiratory infection. It would come and go. When I saw the doctor my ears were clear. Go figure. He did see some fluid behind my eardrums, so that might explain the periodic pain. Relax. Nothing is going to suddenly happen.