View Full Version : Dealing with dislikeness

01-02-17, 08:49
I had a bad day yesterday. My anxiety was up a level, I was quiet last night like my husband said. When I first started the temp job in september the boss was really friendly.

Now I just seem to be annoying her. I think its because she is stressed and has three kids and Im with no mortgage, working five hours a day and have more time for me. Shes friendly with my colleague and when I say something she just looks at me like Im boring.

Im not imagining it. My husband says its because she sees me as having an easier life than her. My contract ends March so cant wait to work somewhere new. We are in a small office.

Yesterday was the worst day as she found something I did wrong, but I refused to worry about it as we all make mistakes. when my colleague makes an error she laughs with her about it.

I feel sick today and worried and just want her to like me. Im a nice person and friendly and not over chatty, I get on with my work (not much work anyway) and help out and make brews. I have an ailment frozen shoulder and Im in pain a bit so that makes me feel more down. Im having an injection on thursday and I know she hates that I can go to these appointments without having to make the time.

I want out now but I know I have to go on till March. I go to the gym to keep healthy and trying to be positive but today I feel like crying all the time.:weep:

01-02-17, 12:32
So why exactly do you care if she likes you or not? You're leaving in a month, moving on to bigger and better things. I believe you're right in that she is envious.

The fact is, you'll leave and she's going to be stuck there feeling the same way regardless. Think of it like being set free while she'll stay locked in her little cage of misery ;)

Good luck and as always

Positive thoughts

01-02-17, 13:48
You cannot please all people as some people are bad etc .You do not make nothing bad so stop woryng because you will make your anxiety higher

01-02-17, 14:04
You sound so positive other than this job. In all honesty I would just focus on getting to the end of the contract and move on, it does sound like she is jealous of your situation but that is her issue not yours.

Hope you feel better soon

01-02-17, 19:31
I had a bad day yesterday. My anxiety was up a level, I was quiet last night like my husband said. When I first started the temp job in september the boss was really friendly.

Now I just seem to be annoying her. I think its because she is stressed and has three kids and Im with no mortgage, working five hours a day and have more time for me. Shes friendly with my colleague and when I say something she just looks at me like Im boring.

Im not imagining it. My husband says its because she sees me as having an easier life than her. My contract ends March so cant wait to work somewhere new. We are in a small office.

Yesterday was the worst day as she found something I did wrong, but I refused to worry about it as we all make mistakes. when my colleague makes an error she laughs with her about it.

I feel sick today and worried and just want her to like me. Im a nice person and friendly and not over chatty, I get on with my work (not much work anyway) and help out and make brews. I have an ailment frozen shoulder and Im in pain a bit so that makes me feel more down. Im having an injection on thursday and I know she hates that I can go to these appointments without having to make the time.

I want out now but I know I have to go on till March. I go to the gym to keep healthy and trying to be positive but today I feel like crying all the time.:weep:

Hi :)

Your boss sounds very unprofessional to me. I understand that she may be stressed but she she should not be taken out her issues on you. As a boss she is suppose to be a role model and somebody you should be able to go to if you have any concerns. I would simply stop being so nice to her and just be civil. You're only in the job until March so stop trying to get her to like you. If she can't be bothered to get along with you then why should you bother.

You don't need to feel guilty about the way you live your life. It was her choice to have children and so what if you do have a somewhat easier life than her. No person has the right to judge you based on what she sees in work. Even if she did have an issue with you she should still remain professional and civil at least. There are always times when unfortunately you won't get along with a person or vice versa. Don't let it bring you down.

Don't feel guilty about your appointment. Forget about her and the mistake. Everyone makes mistakes in their job. Just go to work do your job and then go home. Come March you will never have to work with your boss again so keep this in mind. Hang in there it's not long to March!

All the best. :hugs:

01-02-17, 19:50
thankyou everyone for your helpful comments.

yes I feel better now because I decided to just do my work and chat with my other colleague and get on with stuff. I treated myself to some things from Boots and yes your are all right, its not long till march.
