View Full Version : Bump on roof of mouth

01-02-17, 11:31
Another day another worry. I'm so sick of this now but am the doctors tomorrow.
Last night I noticed a small hard lump/bump on the roof of my mouth. It doesn't hurt which is what's freaking me out. I know mouths get these if they've been scratched or burned or something but I don't remember anything like that. Usually if I do hurt my mouth I mentally log it so I don't panic if a lump or bump pops up.
Does anyone get these? My worry at the minute is lupus, and I know one of the symptoms is painless ulcers particularly on the roof of mouth. Although this isn't an ulcer, it just feels like a bump.
Help anyone :( I'm so scared about the lupus thing too. I really think I might have it

01-02-17, 12:38
Please speak to your doctor about your anxiety tomorrow. You're really spiraling :(

Positive thoughts

01-02-17, 12:57
I will. I saw her last week and have been referred to the psychology team but it'll probably be weeks before I get to see anyone. I'm considering going private, I saw a lady when I was about 18 and she was amazing. Obviously my dad paid for it at that time haha, she was not cheap.

The spiral is very very bad. I didn't go to university today cos I just had a total meltdown over this bump thing and the lupus fear. I went to my netball training last night and I was bright red (I worked hard), after. My boyfriend picked me up and laughed at how red I was... Cue another spiral. 'is it not normal to be this red' 'omg look how red my nose is' followed by hours of checking the colour of my face. Poor lad was just trying to have a laugh. It's just out of control! Does the bumpy thing just sound like a normal mouth thing that pops up?
Thanks for replying

01-02-17, 13:00
Become an expert in what is normal.

01-02-17, 13:12
This hapens when you eat something bad or expirated but dont need to wory it will cure alone .Majority of people get this

01-02-17, 13:14
I had one of those bumps a few months ago. Completely freaked me out at the time. And like you, I couldn't remember eating anything hard or scratching it.
I also take a mental note when I hurt, bang, scratch or whatever myself to try to stop the panic the next day.
But that bump on roof of my mouth turned out to be .................... NOTHING :)
I'm also in a HA spiral at the moment, so I know exactly how you feel.
But don't worry, people get those bumps all the time. It took mine 5 or 6 days to go away, and yours will too, I'm sure of it!!

01-02-17, 13:51
Thanks for your replies :) Broken Girl was yours painless as well? I am worried cos it doesn't hurt. But it does have that like raw feeling when I run my tongue over it, if that makes sense. X

01-02-17, 14:12
Yeah mine was very painless. Kept rubbing my tongue against it to see if it was sore at all, and it wasn't.
I know it's hard but don't worry. Everyone gets these bumps, but of course they're scary when you have HA.
This time next week you'll be asking yourself what you were worrying about :)

01-02-17, 15:29
Thank you broken girl, good to know I'm not the only one. I think mouth things seem to massive but in reality they're quite small bumps. My bf had a look and said he can't even see anything.

I'm at the docs tomorrow about my lupus worry so I'll ask her to check it. Thanks again x

01-02-17, 17:39
I have a lump on the roof of my mouth that I've had for as long as I can remember. It literally feels bone hard and defintly does not move, at all. I assume because its been there for years upon years its nothing. I'm sure yours is too!

01-02-17, 22:04
I've had this it was something called torus