View Full Version : Return of Panic Attacks (Trigger Warning probably)

01-02-17, 16:18

With at least a year and a half long absence of panic attacks, I kind of thought that I am able to manage them. I developed a casual jogging routine, and tried to live my life more stress free.

Well, I was wrong. The panic attacks came back with a vengeance, this time with a new symptom - shortness of breath, feeling of suffocation, fear of passing out.

It first started again 2 weeks ago, as a result of some argument with another person. Then again today, which was a next level panic attack, as I was in the middle of a walk in the forest, in the part which was unfamiliar to me. I got kind of lost, my heart was pounding because my cardio shape is bad (it's winter, I stopped running, and it shows), and shortness of breath started creeping it. Started getting hot in my head, and confused, wondering what the hell I should do.

Different scenarios went through my head, primarily what if I pass out? Should I call the ambulance? How can I describe to them where I am? It's a rainy day and there's ice everywhere, so if I pass out, what if they don't find me in time?

This all happened while I was feeling like some force was squeezing my chest, disabling me from getting enough oxygen into my body. Luckily I knew my approximate location and managed to get out of the forest, but this was a frightening experience.

There is truly no escape from the Panic. I think I need some medications.

Just wanted to share this.

02-02-17, 08:37
So you've gone a whole year and a half without a panic attack before now, as a result of the all the great things you implemented in your life to overcome it originally? That should be something you are extremely proud of! A whole year panic free! It is not uncommon at all for panic to rear its head again from time to time, if it's only been two weeks since it resurfaced dont be too hard on yourself. If you beat it once you can beat it again :-)

02-02-17, 09:20

With at least a year and a half long absence of panic attacks, I kind of thought that I am able to manage them. I developed a casual jogging routine, and tried to live my life more stress free.

Well, I was wrong. The panic attacks came back with a vengeance, this time with a new symptom - shortness of breath, feeling of suffocation, fear of passing out.

It first started again 2 weeks ago, as a result of some argument with another person. Then again today, which was a next level panic attack, as I was in the middle of a walk in the forest, in the part which was unfamiliar to me. I got kind of lost, my heart was pounding because my cardio shape is bad (it's winter, I stopped running, and it shows), and shortness of breath started creeping it. Started getting hot in my head, and confused, wondering what the hell I should do.

Different scenarios went through my head, primarily what if I pass out? Should I call the ambulance? How can I describe to them where I am? It's a rainy day and there's ice everywhere, so if I pass out, what if they don't find me in time?

This all happened while I was feeling like some force was squeezing my chest, disabling me from getting enough oxygen into my body. Luckily I knew my approximate location and managed to get out of the forest, but this was a frightening experience.

There is truly no escape from the Panic. I think I need some medications.

Just wanted to share this.

Firstly, you went a YEAR AND A HALF without panic attacks, so well done!

Relapses happen and you've worked it all out logically RE the unfitness and the argument which no doubt has been playing about in your head. Tell yourself that you've been panic free before and you'll be panic free again. It's not the end of the world, it just feels like such a kick in the nether regions having been free of it for so long. Think positive.

02-02-17, 23:32
My panic attacks returned after along break, this was due to a few triggers. Before you look for medication try looking at the natural ways you can cope first, burning off your adrenalin with jogging sounds like youve been making progress, dont quit so easy mate, hang in there, theres other things to look at in your lifestyle like caffeine use, high sugar in your diet, meditation to still the mind. in my experience you can lose quality life experiences because of medication you know that can put a downer on your mood if taken for too long. dont forget that nature is what you are so its always there for you.

03-02-17, 00:26
Thanks for the answers. I wasn't completely free of panic attacks, as I had very minor ones, or some brewing under the surface, but this sensation of breathlessness is very new, this intensity of it. It almost happened again today, when I got upset over some trivial thing in a multiplayer videogame, I felt the feeling of kind of suffocation creeping in again, but fortunately it didn't develop into a full blown panic attack.

I hate it how these feelings of fear and anxious anticipation of a new attack are starting to determine my life again so quickly.

03-02-17, 20:47
It sounds like with those breathlessness symptoms you could benefit from doing deep breathing exercises. The issue with breathlessness is that even if it feels like you're not getting enough oxygen, the sensation is actually caused by getting too much - all those short rapid breaths you take when you're worked up take in too much oxygen which leads to other symptoms like dizziness and more panic.

As much as it feels like anxiety has control over you, you have greater control over it. You may not be able to stop it from creeping in, but you CAN control how you respond to it, which determines whether or not it will spiral into a full on attack. Be aware of your thought patterns as you start to feel breathless and try to challenge your thinking and responses. :hugs: I'm sure you'll beat this like you did last time - the fact you've had ups and downs in the past year doesn't take away from the fact you made such great progress