View Full Version : On A Right Downer Today Folks

01-02-17, 18:11
Well folks considering I wasn't too bad the last week I am so down in the dumps to day over this so called friend I met last year via NMP I am so hurting still and cat get them out of my mind and yet feel so angry now so a mixed bag of emotions today and my head is really pounding now. I cant wait till I go to changes tomorrow I will probably have a lot to say in the group So hugs are needed now folks Thanks Cheers

Clydesdale Epona
01-02-17, 19:29
Huge hugs to you Bigboy :bighug1:
sorry to hear you're having a rough day x

01-02-17, 20:54
Huge hugs to you Bigboy :bighug1:
sorry to hear you're having a rough day x Ahh Cr@p happens tomorrow is a different day, hopefully thank you :) Cheers

02-02-17, 07:40
Well folks considering I wasn't too bad the last week I am so down in the dumps to day over this so called friend I met last year via NMP I am so hurting still and cat get them out of my mind and yet feel so angry now so a mixed bag of emotions today and my head is really pounding now. I cant wait till I go to changes tomorrow I will probably have a lot to say in the group So hugs are needed now folks Thanks Cheers

Sorry to hear you are struggling BB and hopefully your group session gives you some peace.

02-02-17, 08:46
Remember you are a good bloke with a lot to offer.

Just take it one day at a time with the sessions. They always go through the other events & meets at the start (of did when I went) and they put leaflets out for everything too.

Good luck!

02-02-17, 10:09
Sorry to hear you are struggling BB and hopefully your group session gives you some peace. So do I NB Wont be long now :) Cheers

---------- Post added at 10:09 ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 ----------

Remember you are a good bloke with a lot to offer.

Just take it one day at a time with the sessions. They always go through the other events & meets at the start (of did when I went) and they put leaflets out for everything too.

Good luck! Thanks Terry :) Missed the start of last weeks meeting so going to be there 10 mins early this time!! Thanks again :)

02-02-17, 10:42
Now, listen to me BB.

There is nothing wrong with you; well apart from Anxiety.
What I mean is, you are nice good bloke and you HAVE to move on.
Go and punch a cushion and get it out of your system. :D
You've got a great bunch of followers on here and this is a New Year and all that and start how you mean to go on.

I'm still sending you hugs though :hugs:

02-02-17, 11:03
Now, listen to me BB.

There is nothing wrong with you; well apart from Anxiety.
What I mean is, you are nice good bloke and you HAVE to move on.
Go and punch a cushion and get it out of your system. :D
You've got a great bunch of followers on here and this is a New Year and all that and start how you mean to go on.

I'm still sending you hugs though :hugs: And Depression you missed out! Yes got to believe what you say. Got to do it for me :) Meeting is at one and I need to go to my contract and get that done!1 Thank you for your kind words Carnation :) Cheers

02-02-17, 11:08
The Depression goes without saying.
As a fellow sufferer myself, I hate the sound of even saying that word.
Now, I tend to feel the 'D' word and then shout at myself and drag myself off in to see what the rest of the world is doing. :)

02-02-17, 12:36
The Depression goes without saying.
As a fellow sufferer myself, I hate the sound of even saying that word.
Now, I tend to feel the 'D' word and then shout at myself and drag myself off in to see what the rest of the world is doing. :) Yes even the name makes me feel down so will try and adopt the 'D' word my self :) Right off to my meeting now. Cheers

03-02-17, 06:28
Did you make it? How did it go?

03-02-17, 08:50
Did you make it? How did it go?
Yes I did Terry!! www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=1643253#post1643253 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=1643253#post1643253) Cheers

04-02-17, 06:16
Well done for that!

Changes conduct their walk-in groups in some of the old community mental health centres. For instance, one is The Sutherland Centre, which used to house patients transitioning from psychiatric wards back into the community. The funds cut that years ago but they still do sessions in there for patients higher up on the treatment ladder.

So, they will have informal ways to ask about things. Plus they are connected under an umbrella scheme (if my memory Is correct) loosely with Healthy Minds who are paid to provide IAPT services for one half of the city. A similar charity exist for the other side but I'm not sure about their relationship with Changes.

Healthy Minds provide the therapy so they will be well aware of the CMHT side as that's the next rung up on the NICE Stepped Care Model for anxiety & depression.

I hope you enjoy your meal. Do they still do the free bingo at Mecca?

04-02-17, 10:49
Well done for that!

Changes conduct their walk-in groups in some of the old community mental health centres. For instance, one is The Sutherland Centre, which used to house patients transitioning from psychiatric wards back into the community. The funds cut that years ago but they still do sessions in there for patients higher up on the treatment ladder.

So, they will have informal ways to ask about things. Plus they are connected under an umbrella scheme (if my memory Is correct) loosely with Healthy Minds who are paid to provide IAPT services for one half of the city. A similar charity exist for the other side but I'm not sure about their relationship with Changes.

Healthy Minds provide the therapy so they will be well aware of the CMHT side as that's the next rung up on the NICE Stepped Care Model for anxiety & depression.

I hope you enjoy your meal. Do they still do the free bingo at Mecca? Thanks :) Ahh didn't know that and of course the main office is in SOT which I might be helping to spruce up a room that used to be used for a chill out group but low attendance stopped that group a bit like the American in Cobridge where you can have a coffee and chat and it's not group related so would like to see that starting again sometime. Iam looking forward to the meal and making suggestions too for further activities too such as a trip to the Churnet Valley Railway will let you all know how it goes .Will find out if they still do the free Mecca Bingo too not my bag plus it's gambling and Iam recovering gambler LOL :) Cheers

04-02-17, 11:13
Mecca do a free couple of hours one day and I think they went then. Not good for you though, I'll remember not to recommend that one!

Churnet Valley will be nice. Not too far either.

I don't know if it's any use but one lady who went also went to coffee mornings at a church. She was lonely with being out of work and used to having that to fill her days. There wasn't any commitment to join the church, it was just chats. Not sure if that's any use?

Also, have you come across the walking groups? They have the flyers on GP surgeries. People just have a walk & a chat. Two speeds so less physically able people can join in. It's a national charity thing, there is a website.

They were always glad of suggestions and you are a positive ideas man. They will be very grateful for the help too.

Enjoy your meal.

04-02-17, 11:29
Mecca do a free couple of hours one day and I think they went then. Not good for you though, I'll remember not to recommend that one!

Churnet Valley will be nice. Not too far either.

I don't know if it's any use but one lady who went also went to coffee mornings at a church. She was lonely with being out of work and used to having that to fill her days. There wasn't any commitment to join the church, it was just chats. Not sure if that's any use?

Also, have you come across the walking groups? They have the flyers on GP surgeries. People just have a walk & a chat. Two speeds so less physically able people can join in. It's a national charity thing, there is a website.

They were always glad of suggestions and you are a positive ideas man. They will be very grateful for the help too.

Enjoy your meal. Ha Lol I think I am strong enough regarding my gambling now after many years of GA meetings but it's not my thing Bingo, Yes the CVR as it's called been a few times (and was one of Dr's Beeching's cuts in the 60's) this line used to go all the way to Manchester Exchange (and even had a branch off to Alton Towers )as it was called back in the good old days!! In fact 2 years ago I walked through a 540 yard tunnel along the old track bed. well track has been relaid and I have been through it again on train last year Magic :) they are even building a station at Leek again soon so that will be good. Yes It would be a possibility but see if we can get that room sorted at Changes main office for chill outs and coffee again :) One member is knitting a throw for a old sofa that has seen better days lol so would be good to get that room used again too! I am determinded not too look back and keep moving forward now :yesyes: Cheers

04-02-17, 12:35
Will they link up with Foxfield? I've been there a few times as a kid so basically an ice age ago now! :biggrin: I did hear Foxfield are getting the only remaining Staffordshire engine to look after.

Have you heard of the Spot Acre pub? It's been a long time since I've been there but they had railway carriages as the restaurant. It's lovely, quite romantic. They are probably still there, my mum worked there a a young woman and they were there then (she's mid seventies now)

04-02-17, 13:02
Will they link up with Foxfield? I've been there a few times as a kid so basically an ice age ago now! :biggrin: I did hear Foxfield are getting the only remaining Staffordshire engine to look after.

Have you heard of the Spot Acre pub? It's been a long time since I've been there but they had railway carriages as the restaurant. It's lovely, quite romantic. They are probably still there, my mum worked there a a young woman and they were there then (she's mid seventies now) No is the answer to that and the reason being is because Foxfield is not A.F.A.I.K a passenger line like the CVR think it was more a mineral/coal line 90% sure on that. But at Leek Brook Junction The CVR branches off (to the right)_ to Cauldon Low the Quarry ok, to the left of the junction the line went all the way back to SOT through Stockton Brook, Endon and past the Finney Gardens and under City road and is it Victoria Road well the CVR wants to link back to SOT eventually and all the track is still there and intact :) Cheers

10-02-17, 12:18
Gone down hill again today my yesterday meeting was ok but looking forward to todays meeting and of course the pub meal in just over weeks time so something to look forward to I guess :)

10-02-17, 20:41
Same happened with me and someone who I called my best friend who was there for me 24 7. Suddenly im cut out and replaced by others out the blue. I poured my heart and soul out many times and many tears down the phone later but made no difference Yet again someone has hurt me and never gave me a chance or the benefit of the doubt. Im simply no longer good enough or wanted and it's shattered my already shattered heart and it's so quiet. I also miss this person desperately but made a fool out of myself bearing my heart and then apologised for it. I can't and won't friend again. I can't let myself get hurt like this again as nothing I.say or.do makes any difference. I take it you have read the whole thread? and the thing is all I wanted was reassurance even though it got a bit OTT from me I have written to them but they have found happiness now so I am surplus to requirements which is sad and I have said the same as you I will never trust again, but found a charity called Changes who are very supportive and run many groups I got to the Peer Support Groups and also have social get togethers so I am getting my name down on some of those too, So there are always options out there Don't give up ever Cheers

Catherine S
10-02-17, 21:04
Sorry you're feeling down today Bboy. ..it seems to be effecting alot of us this month, February is a bit of a nothing month while we wait for a bit of warmth in spring and see all the snowdrops and daffodils again.

A little story to make you smile...When my kids were small their dad brought home a real Christmas tree a few weeks before the big day, and he planted it in a pot that had been outside and already had compost in it. I didn't think anything of it and a few weeks later woke up on Christmas Day to see daffodils all around the tree! I'd completely forgotten about planting the bulbs in the pot a few months before and the warm house had encouraged them to grow:doh:

Hope you feel better soon
ISB ☺ x

10-02-17, 21:46
Sorry you're feeling down today Bboy. ..it seems to be effecting alot of us this month, February is a bit of a nothing month while we wait for a bit of warmth in spring and see all the snowdrops and daffodils again.

A little story to make you smile...When my kids were small their dad brought home a real Christmas tree a few weeks before the big day, and he planted it in a pot that had been outside and already had compost in it. I didn't think anything of it and a few weeks later woke up on Christmas Day to see daffodils all around the tree! I'd completely forgotten about planting the bulbs in the pot a few months before and the warm house had encouraged them to grow:doh:

Hope you feel better soon
ISB ☺ xThanks I mean the groups I am going to are ok, but think the social gatherings will be nicer though as it's not a structured meeting as such! That is a good story I gave got the yellow stems on my dafs showing a bit but its too cold they shouldnt be coming out just yet XX Cheers