View Full Version : Anyone else ever experience this?

01-02-17, 18:58
It's been probably about a week with my throat hurting now. It's changed a bit now from my other post. In the mornings and at night it hurts pretty bad, during the day sometimes it feels like it goes away almost completely and sometimes it still hurts but not AS bad as it does at night/morning. It's been pretty itchy too. I've been gurgling salt water and taking medicine for the pain, the cough drops help a bit I think. I've asked my mom SEVERAL times to take me to the dr, I'm honestly terrified that it's a tumor in my throat, but of course she tells me I'm fine and that I'm just overreacting. I looked in the back of my throats and everything looks pretty much fine... no symptoms of a cold at all but I'm starting to lose my voice a bit today. Ugh, I don't know. Have any of you guys experienced this? I'm scared it's never going to go way...

01-02-17, 19:15
Have any of you guys experienced this?

A sore throat?

Only 50 or so times.

01-02-17, 19:50
I've asked my mom SEVERAL times to take me to the dr, I'm honestly terrified that it's a tumor in my throat

Im going to take a stab in the dark and say your under 18

That fact ALONE makes this HIGHLY unlikely to be a tumor and more likely a plain old garden variety sore throat.

Feel better.

01-02-17, 20:40
I had this a few months ago. I kept waking up with severe throat pain(like a really bad sore throat). It lasted a week. I believe it was post nasal drip since it got better in the afternoon. It's worse when you lay down. Could that be what's causing yours?

02-02-17, 16:03
Thanks guys. I decided to just check with the school nurse since my mom doesn't see the need to take me to any dr. She said my throat looks irritated and that it looks like I do have post nasal drip in the back and to keep drinking lots of water. I don't really have a stuffy or runny nose so I'm not sure why I would have that though. I don't know though, I'm assuming she knows more than I do. Thanks again for your responses guys!

02-02-17, 16:19
I didn't have a stuffy nose with mine either. Just the post nasal drip. Hope you feel better soon!

03-02-17, 23:58
I finally went to the dr today to have him check it out. I explained everything and how I didn't have any cold symptoms. He looked in my throat and said that my tonsils and everything looks okay, but he sees a bit of drainage in the back. Then he basically just told me that with my hoarse voice and everything it was viral and sent me on my way. Is it bad that I still find myself not trusting him completely?

04-02-17, 00:26
Is it bad that I still find myself not trusting him completely?

I don't know if "bad" is the appropriate word but it's certainly detrimental to your mental health.

Positive thoughts

04-02-17, 23:23
My mom thinks I'm just being silly asking for a second opinion. It still hurts today, not bad I guess though. I definitely have mucus draining in my throat as he had said though. At work I spit some of it up and it had red in it. I have been eating cherry cough drops a lot today so I'm thinking that may have something to do with it but now I'm really freaked out. I don't know why I can't believe my Dr. I'm driving myself nuts

05-02-17, 00:24
I've had this. Warm teas and try not to obsess about it because that was the worst thing I did. All day long for weeks. "Does my throat hurt?" You bet! If you're looking for symptoms they come. 6 years on this merry go round later, I can assure you of that!

There's nothing wrong with your throat. Throat cancer presents with much more severe symptoms. You wouldn't be able to swallow or talk in most cases.