View Full Version : Worried about inflamed gallbladder or something else

01-02-17, 19:11
Hi guys, this is going to be a little TMI but two days ago I started to have diarrhea and an upset stomach after I ate left over Mexican food from the night before. My diarrhea was yellow in colour but I only had diarrhea two times since. My stomach is still a little sore from this so I have been taking it easy with what I eat.

Anyways, for the last two days including today....I've had a yellow colour to my stools, on top of it all my period is absolutely messed up this month. It was late and now has been going on for almost two weeks. I also have a slight lower back pain.

I ended up googling lower back pain with yellow coloured stools and I've scared myself. It says it could be an inflamed gallbladder, which if it isn't fixed could rupture. I don't know what to do. :(

01-02-17, 20:16
I can't say for sure( not a doctor) but could just be the food or a virus giving you a dicky tummy? Periods mess up for all sorts of reasons- could be stress, hormones, etc. Think wouldn't worry too much as could just be a one off, but you could always call doc for advice. Try not to Google, take care xx

01-02-17, 21:51
Hello Cakelady,

Thanks for replying! I didn't really realize (because my mom keeps having thoughts that it's something awful) but it could actually be from the virus. Maybe my intestines are trying to flush it out.

My friend told me the same thing about my periods. I'm low iron, I googled something and came across another health board with someone saying that low iron can make your stools yellow. I can't find any proof of that but I'm wondering maybe it is something to do with that. Not too sure. I really hope not

01-02-17, 22:14
Sounds likely:)
I haven't heard that before about stools, not going to google it cos I'll probably find something for me to worry about lol! xx

01-02-17, 22:22
Ive all but stopped googling the regular internet...

I Will google but limit my results based on specific sites.

WebMD is off my list as well.

01-02-17, 22:43
Thank you cakelady and sphincterclench!

WebMD is horrible, probably the worst place.

TMI! But I noticed a lot of yellow mucus in my stool today. I'm hoping it's just my body trying to flush out whatever I have.

01-02-17, 22:47
Sounds like the Mexican food just irritated your bowel. I have IBS-D and my bowel issues are all over the place, as well as different colors, and mucus is common with IBD. It usually just means irritation and maybe some inflammation. Just monitor but I wouldn't worry about it.

01-02-17, 23:02
I would definitely wait a while and see if the yellow diarrhea persists! It definitely sounds like the Mexican did you dirty (why do the things we love not always love us back??)

To ease your fear on your gallbladder, it sits right under your liver and would cause pain more right under your rib cage on the right side, but not really in your back, and isn't associated with diarrhea. If you are experiencing extreme pain however, it never hurts to be more safe than sorry to get it checked out!

02-02-17, 18:01
Sounds like the Mexican food just irritated your bowel. I have IBS-D and my bowel issues are all over the place, as well as different colors, and mucus is common with IBD. It usually just means irritation and maybe some inflammation. Just monitor but I wouldn't worry about it.

Hi Steph! Thanks for the reply.

I'm definitely going to keep an eye on it. It's been four days today since it started and my bowel movements still come with a yellow liquid but not much mucus today. I just had a little bit of white rice with a small piece of oven baked fish and before I could even finish it I had to run to the washroom. It's not diarrhea, but my stools are yellow.

---------- Post added at 13:00 ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 ----------

I would definitely wait a while and see if the yellow diarrhea persists! It definitely sounds like the Mexican did you dirty (why do the things we love not always love us back??)

To ease your fear on your gallbladder, it sits right under your liver and would cause pain more right under your rib cage on the right side, but not really in your back, and isn't associated with diarrhea. If you are experiencing extreme pain however, it never hurts to be more safe than sorry to get it checked out!

Hello! Thanks for the reply :)
Ahh I know right! I had two days of moderately spicy Mexican food in a row. Today my stomach is still a bit sore and it's going on the fourth day of this yellow stool colour. I'm not sure if it's the stool that's yellow, but (TMI) when I look in the toilet bowl it looks like the liquid around it is the most yellow.

Thanks for giving me knowledge regarding my gallbladder. I didn't know that! It's sometimes my lower or upper back that feels painful especially after a day of walking. A lot. On Monday if it continues I'll be going to my doctor.

---------- Post added at 13:01 ---------- Previous post was at 13:00 ----------

Just a question....

Could the yellow liquid be stomach bile?

03-04-17, 17:13
Just wondering if you are still having the yellow bms. I've been doing that for quite awhile now. I've been in chronic anxiety mode for a long time too? Did you figure anything out?