View Full Version : Spiralling. (Long post about HA)

01-02-17, 21:44
Hi all.
I haven't been on this forum for a long time but really feel like my HA is the worst it's been in years. Bear with me as I'm going to put a bit of history on here!
About 3 years ago, (I was very recovered from anxiety etc) I started to work in a mental health team. I loved my job and was really happy. I even started on the path to training. However for the last 7 months though my MH has been in decline and I have been off of work now for nearly 5 months.
I started to feel more and more under pressure and was getting an increase in anxious thoughts and HA. I started to become more and more forgetful- I became worried I had early onset dementia which made me very panicky. Prior to this, (about 14 months ago) I found a lumpy area in my right breast which I saw several doctors about. None seemed worried until one referred me to the local breast clinic as she was concerned about how distraught and obsessed I was becoming. She felt being seen by a consultant and reassured would help. I had an ultrasound which came back normal and was discharged and told I had fibrocystic breast disease.
I felt reassured for a few weeks but the anxiety came back. I spent a long time every day checking my breast, squeezing and prodding my armpit and breast. I saw my GP several more times and this continued up until the time I was signed off from work with severe anxiety.
While all this was going on, I became frightened that I had Motor Neurone disease (my maternal aunt passed away from this nearly 3 years ago). This fear continued for a couple of months, then switched back to my breast. In November, I had a particularly bad time. I was seeing a therapist locally about my anxiety for 30 minutes every fortnight but things were getting worse and worse.
After a particularly bad weekend where I had become convinced that I had a huge tumour in my breast and that I was dying, as well as having constant thoughts of self-harm and panic attacks (I didn't want to but couldn't stop thinking about it), I went to see my GP. I was satin her office for 30 minutes, highly distraught, begging her to check my breast and help me as I could not carry on like this. She examined me and said she couldn't find anything unusual but was very concerned about my MH. She sent a letter to the MH team (sadly where I work) for advice and I had a call from my manager, arranging an assessment with a nurse from out of area.
He saw me at home and diagnosed severe anxiety, manifesting as HA, OCD and panic attacks- a diagnosis I agreed with as I was also checking other things compulsively and doing safety rituals and ruminating on many other things including the health of my family etc. I was then referred for high tier therapy and discharged from our service.
Things have been rumbling on but I have been spiralling again over the last few days. I am convinced that I have breast cancer as I have pain on and off in my breast (though I am sure it's worse when I have been compulsively squeezing and prodding for hours!) I am also convinced that I have a "dented area" on the side of my breast now. I have showed my partner who thinks it is just where I am twisting and stretching. (I have also lost weight recently due to doing more exercise and changing my diet) All I can see is a "dent" and when I googled this, it suggested that this is a symptom of a hidden tumour. I keep looking at it and it looks normal from some angles but odd at others. According to the NHS website, cancer would make your breast look different if you moved the breast!! The more I look, the more messed up it appears. In truth, I'm not even sure what I'm looking at any more and I am utterly distraught that I have cancer and I am dying.
I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow and I am terrified at what will happen. If she refers me on, in my mind I have cancer and will die. If she reassures me, how long will it last before I am twisting myself in knots?
Please if anyone can advise, I could really do with some support.

01-02-17, 22:00
Your clearly spiralling out of control and although I have very little I can do all I can say is accept what SEVERAL people have told you and please try to take it easy on yourself you could use a break.


01-02-17, 22:06
Thanks Sphincterclench. I agree with you about the spiralling. I am tying myself up in knots and being very unkind to myself. I feel sorry for my poor boyfriend (he's been with me nearly 10 years!) as I keep asking him to check things for me too. I hate it as I always feel terrible for seeking reassurance as I think people will get sick of me. :emot-crying:
Hopefully I will see my GP tomorrow and she will help a bit. I've also got to talk to her about my sick note- I won't be on Sick pay after the 25th of march and so I have to decide whether i can go back to work or resign and try and find something less stressful.

02-02-17, 14:11
Thanks for the kind words Kanji.
I saw my Gp with my other half this morning who examined me and said my breasts are perfectly healthy and not to worry. Apparently breasts are not 100% symmetrical and they are often different shapes. They also apparently don't tend to be perfectly round which has made me feel a bit better. She did say (as you said) that shape changes in breast cancer are very obvious and that a "dent" would be obvious at all times. I just have to accept this all as fact!
She has said though that she will only certificate me as fit to go back to my job if I am not doing client facing work. After speaking to my manager, this means I will have to be redeployed or end my contract. Tbh, I don't think I'm in a fit state to support people with their MH when mine is so rocky so I'm considering looking for alternative work. If I feel up to it in future, I can always go back to health and social care.
I'm going to try and relax today and keep seeing my therapist. Hopefully I can get beat this again.