View Full Version : Upper right stomach/rib pains.

01-02-17, 22:40
I had breast cancer in 2013 and I have my regular Oncology six month checkup on Monday. I always have bad anxiety around the checkup's. All week I've felt like you do the day after vomiting, such as dry mouth, stomach tightness, not much of an appetite, soreness, exhaustion, etc. My ribs on the right side/cancer side have also been sore for awhile and are sore to the touch. I have not vomited. I have lymphedema on that side as well. I also have IBS-D. I've had the pains/soreness since October 2015. My Onc once said he thought it was Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome. Anyway, my anxiety is taking over. I woke up at 2:00 this morning thinking the worst, like liver metastasis or perhaps gallbladder attack!! Can anxiety cause these above symptoms I mentioned?? I've been pretty uptight and worried for well over two weeks. Any words of wisdom/advice are appreciated! I'm really scared and have been crying a lot lately over this. Ugh!

01-02-17, 22:45
It could be just gallstones, maybe worth mentioning to your doctor and see if you can get a scan? The dry mouth, no appetite etc could all very well be anxiety. I hope you start to feel better soon xx

01-02-17, 23:40
The fact that it's sore to the touch is indicative of an inflammatory process! Since its been going on for a while I don't think it would hurt to tell your doctor - we know our bodies the the best! Anxiety is a horrible thing and can do some things to our bodies where it doesn't seem like our mind could possibly responsible. My good girlfriend goes through scanxiety after her fight with cancer.

Stay strong and be your own advocate - we all really hope you feel better!

01-02-17, 23:44
My Oncologist is aware that it's sore to the touch but I'll be sure to mention it Monday. Would gallstones kill me if I wait until Monday? I'm a bit panicked, especially since I've had that soreness there since 2015!! Ugh.

01-02-17, 23:57
No - I would imagine you would be just fine waiting (: Your doctor may be correct and it could just be PMPS and if it has been there since 2015 I'm sure it's nothing to worry about in the near future. That being said if it should become completely unbearable and a high fever develops, please make sure to take care of yourself.

I can only imagine the stress! With everything you have gone through it's totally normal to be hyper-aware of everything. Like I said my good girlfriend goes through it too and the best we can all do is just be here for each other!

01-02-17, 23:59
Thanks and I'm sorry to hear your friend goes thru similar issues! Cancer sucks and it leaves you with an intense fear! Ugh!!

02-02-17, 00:01
Thank you - and I'm so sorry you had to go through it as well. Way to kick its butt!

02-02-17, 00:15
I had breast cancer in 2013 and I have my regular Oncology six month checkup on Monday. I always have bad anxiety around the checkup's. All week I've felt like you do the day after vomiting, such as dry mouth, stomach tightness, not much of an appetite, soreness, exhaustion, etc. My ribs on the right side/cancer side have also been sore for awhile and are sore to the touch. I have not vomited. I have lymphedema on that side as well. I also have IBS-D. I've had the pains/soreness since October 2015. My Onc once said he thought it was Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome. Anyway, my anxiety is taking over. I woke up at 2:00 this morning thinking the worst, like liver metastasis or perhaps gallbladder attack!! Can anxiety cause these above symptoms I mentioned?? I've been pretty uptight and worried for well over two weeks. Any words of wisdom/advice are appreciated! I'm really scared and have been crying a lot lately over this. Ugh!

I remember your from AZ. I'm a survivor of Stage IV H&N cancer. What you describe is what I call "scanxiety". Warriors/Survivors like us all have some form of "scanxiety". It manifests itself in different ways in different people. For me, it was mostly sleeplessness and irritability. I have "chill pills" I can take as needed. I usually started feeling "off" around 2 weeks or so before my appointments. Now, almost 4 years cancer free, I don't have the "scanxiety" issues I had early on. I've reached the "new normal" concerning the side effects and know they will be a permanently part of my life.

So yeah, "scanxiety" can produce all sorts of physical symptoms. I went for therapy in 2013 after my treatment to address the "scanxiety" and some depression. One on one therapy and some CBT I got from CBT4PANIC from here helped.

Anyway... getting help for your anxiety and practicing the techniques you learn can and will help you better cope with the issues we encounter as Survivors.

Positive thoughts

02-02-17, 00:30
Fishmanpa, congrats on doing so well in kicking cancer's arse!!! My Onc doesn't typically do scans but I do have scanxiety because I'm always afraid he will order one upon hearing any symptoms!! I forgot to mention that I do have chronic gastritis/GERD caused by stress. I can't take PPI's due to C Diff history and Zantac only helps so much. So, I'm hoping my current symptoms are just a combo of stress, IBS and gastritis. Anyway, it's good to hear you're doing so well!! I do have Xanax to take as needed too so I may cave in and take one tonight and tomorrow.

02-02-17, 01:15
Fishmanpa, congrats on doing so well in kicking cancer's arse!!! My Onc doesn't typically do scans but I do have scanxiety because I'm always afraid he will order one upon hearing any symptoms!! I forgot to mention that I do have chronic gastritis/GERD caused by stress. I can't take PPI's due to C Diff history and Zantac only helps so much. So, I'm hoping my current symptoms are just a combo of stress, IBS and gastritis. Anyway, it's good to hear you're doing so well!! I do have Xanax to take as needed too so I may cave in and take one tonight and tomorrow.

Regardless of scans... "scanxiety" is just a generic word I created in reference to follow-ups. It's always nerve wracking no matter how long it's been. I have follow ups with my medical and radiation oncologists in Feb. My last appointments I was essentially told I beat the cancer. It doesn't mean it can't come back elsewhere but as far as the original?... as you said... I kicked it's arse :) That being said, Before they discharge me, I'll be getting a PET scan at 5 years. I have no symptoms that would indicate an issue but you know it still plays a bit with your head ;)

Look... do what you have to do to cope. Xanax is great. You just have to be careful as it's addictive. With what I've been going through with my wife's illness and coping with my own physical issues, it's come in handy.

I'm quite sure all will be well. Post an update will you?

Positive thoughts

02-02-17, 01:25
I had breast cancer in 2013 and I have my regular Oncology six month checkup on Monday. I ayolways have bad anxiety around the checkup's. All week I've felt like you do the day after vomiting, such as dry mouth, stomach tightness, not much of an appetite, soreness, exhaustion, etc. My ribs on the right side/cancer side have also been sore for awhile and are sore to the touch. I have not vomited. I have lymphedema on that side as well. I also have IBS-D. I've had the pains/soreness since October 2015. My Onc once said he thought it was Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome. Anyway, my anxiety is taking over. I woke up at 2:00 this morning thinking the worst, like liver metastasis or perhaps gallbladder attack!! Can anxiety cause these above symptoms I mentioned?? I've been pretty uptight and worried for well over two weeks. Any words of wisdom/advice are appreciated! I'm really scared and have been crying a lot lately over this. Ugh!

Hi - I'm very sorry to hear what you've been going through. It sounds like you've been through a lot. To answer your question, yes absolutely everything you mentioned above can be anxiety related. Even when we're not consciously thinking about it we're thinking about it. Try and control what you can...diet, keeping active, rest...force yourself if you have to. Once you get your good report back I suspect your anxiety will start to subside. Keep us posted.


02-02-17, 13:56
Thanks again everyone! I took a Xanax last night and slept pretty good at least! I'll keep you posted after I get home from my appointment Monday. Will you guys please say a prayer for me? Thanks in advance!!

02-02-17, 14:51
Thanks again everyone! I took a Xanax last night and slept pretty good at least! I'll keep you posted after I get home from my appointment Monday. Will you guys please say a prayer for me? Thanks in advance!!

Of course we will! Many prayers and happy thoughts for a beautiful, clear scan!!:hugs: