View Full Version : brain fog and full ear sensation

01-02-17, 22:51
Hi All.

I'm in the middle of an awful anxiety/panic relapse and am getting the brain fog/fuzzy head and a really horrible feeling of fullness and pressure in my ears. I also have waves of dizziness, nausea and upset tummy with this round. Doc has run tests and all are ok....but I struggle to grasp how anxiety and panic can cause such severe physical symptoms. Anyone else struggle with this?

02-02-17, 22:13
Very glad to have found this post, as I get the exact same symptoms. Mine come in spells, which have lasted up to 4 months in the past. In these spells, I get a very tense neck, serious tremor, pressure in my head, a constant "distant" feeling or foggy brain and just general weird feelings/ sensations in my head and body.

Whilst I am in the middle of a spell (like I am at the moment) it is horrible and I just hate it. When I am out of the spell, I look back and think "wow I was stupid to be so worried", but the cycle just repeats!

05-02-17, 21:06
Hi there....yeah I'm hearing you. I could have written your post myself. Very unpleasant but all anxiety/panic related. Hope it eases for you soon.

06-02-17, 04:34
me too

06-02-17, 15:17
Yes, the brain fog and dizziness is a common symptom of mine. I find some fresh air walks usually helps with relieving that one, and also conversations with people either in person or over the phone helps take my mind off the symptoms.. Also, I noticed it is made worse by oversleeping and looking at computer and phone screens too much. I hope this helps. :)