View Full Version : hit head earlier? help

02-02-17, 01:35
i was rushing to get to school earlier and had to dry my hair, and i bumped the top of my head against the wall trying to get my stuff.. it hardly hurt since i only just bumped my head, but i cursed it off and had to rush to school
ive always gotten anxious over minor head bumps.. the horror story of causing a brain clot or having it bleed and dying over something like that, it terrifies me ever since i found out it could happen..

and it definitely doesnt help now, since ive had a headache around where i bumped my head all day.. it sort of comes and goes and its a dull and annoying pain, but im definitely worried there's something wrong. i even took an unexpected nap earlier ( but then again, i woke up in the middle of the night and had to fall back asleep.. so maybe its because i interrupted my 7 hours? ) but its still sort of here, and gets worse when i jump around/walk
im hoping its just my anxiety.. or maybe its because i went to school right after i hit my head.. but even knowing it could be something dangerous, i know my dad wont believe me given i panic about these things too much.. can someone help me ease my mind? am i going to die??

02-02-17, 01:57
am i going to die??


Positive thoughts

02-02-17, 02:47
Stop worrying!! When I watch a sport like rugby (where they don't wear protective gear) I'm astonished at just how strong the human body is! You can clonk it and bash it from all angles.

02-02-17, 13:22
I've done this before. Nothing happened and I'm fine. You are too.

02-02-17, 15:11
I had a big ol' back door fall on my head when I was a little un..

The old bonce can take a bit of stick. Don't worry.

02-02-17, 15:54
our skulls are much tougher than you think....Im sure your going to be fine.

02-02-17, 16:24
I banged the side of my head not long ago which even caused certain lymph nodes behind the ear to swell how I stayed conscious is a mystery. Even as a child I had my head caught in the sliding door of a van which I needed a few stiches on one side and an all mighty lump on the other side. The brain is the most important organ in the body so to protect it the skull has to be strong enough to take bumps and knocks without any ill effect. You'll be fine