View Full Version : Freckle / pigment sole of foot?

02-02-17, 01:49
Does anyone here have freckles / pigmentation on the soles of their feet? I have one in the palm of my hand but that's been there forever and it's fine.

I recently found two marks on the sole of my foot. The one on my right foot is a little larger but still small and is lighter ... I can see it mostly when the skin of my foot is wet. The one of my other foot is teeny tiny but it's like little dark brown speckles. They don't look like ordinary freckles / moles just some kind of weird mark on the skin.

I went to see a GP who specializes in skin he looked at the larger one and kind of blew me off and said I didn't need to follow up. He hardly looked at it and he said he could hardly see it. I told him it's definitely there (plus I been picking at it so it's healing over) ... anyway because I felt so dismissed I felt stupid showing him the much smaller but darker one with the dark specks so I left it.

So I'm just really worried I have melanoma of the foot because I don't think i've seen these marks before. I heard that freckles / marks on soles are bad and I am terrified I have acral melanoma - and deadliest of all melanomas and it's more predominant in asians and I am asian!

Does anyone have freckles or marks on soles of their feet that are o.k? On top of all this I feel like a freak to have markings in weird places that people don't get!

*feeling really depressed and anxious*

02-02-17, 04:31
Hi. I've had a mole/freckle on the sole of my left foot for as long as I can remember. It's faded a bit over the years, due, I was told by a GP ages ago to it not getting any sunlight and stimulating the melanin.
I think it's like skin anywhere else on your body, you can get moles etc there. I'm sure yours is nothing to worry about as well.

02-02-17, 07:02
I have seen an Acral melanoma up close in real life. I have recently posted on this actually. If yours isn't sore when you walk or look like black tar, it is unlikely to be one. My brother in law died from one ( he was not of Asian descent) but his got progressively bigger and changed in shape too. He got to consult with the world leader in melanoma who lives over here ( Prefessor Mcarther) who explained you can get damage to any cell in the body and a satalllite melanoma can set up shop anywhere in the body ( including soles of feet). I am hoping it was not my previous post that frightened you and got you googling acral melanoma. They are indeed quite rare

02-02-17, 10:22
Hi both ... Thanks. No it wasn't your previous post though I note you live in Australia as well. I guess I mainly feel weird like why do uncommon things happen to me ... So on top of my anxiety I feel like I am a freak and I get marks in weird places that no one else gets. Wwhich is why it's also strangely reassuring to hear other people may to. If that makes sense.