View Full Version : Please, just a moment of your time before it kills me.

02-02-17, 02:47
Please help me.

I experienced such joy upon finding this website. Your time would be so greatly appreciated.

I am a teenager, a girl. From England. I had a really tough upbringing, but not so tough when you consider the sufferings of others.

I have always had... 'issues'. At eleven years of age I was self harming pretty severely and today those scars are my biggest shame. My vulnerability. I had issues with my body image, and was in an eating disorder clinic. I refused to accept that I had anorexia. I was never diagnosed, I ate until I weighed enough that they discharged me. Until last year, I was purging and starving myself, but I am glad to say I finally think I have beaten it. And I did it on my own.

I was never one to obsess over my health, not at that age. It all started with a chest infection during my exams. No one would seem to take me seriously yet I was in so much pain. I was coughing up black and green sputum, and big globs of blood. In the past I have taken drugs. and while using them my anxiety skyrocketed. A single thought could convince me of a heart attack, a collapsed lung, cancer, anything. You might think me stupid. But they were my escape. I stopped, on the most part. But then came the day I had the worst panic attack of my entire exsistance and accepted inevitable death. It was so severe that it lead to some kind of sezuire. I was sure my dog was trying to tell me I would die. Full blown hysteria, begging, regret, loss, anger and then acceptance. Story cut short I woke up. It was a traumatic experience to say the least.

Back to my chest infection: I got antiobiotics and the infection went away but the pain did not. I smoked a lot of weed, to slow my mind down, and I worried that I had cancer. In fact I was sure of it. I made them give me an X -ray. Oh how stupid I felt when they said everything was fine.

But then a little research told me that early stage lung cancer is rarely detected and once again I knew. I could feel it growing inside of me, itchy and disgusting. After many months of mental and physical turmoil I eventually got sent in for another X-ray. I remember thinking 'It's had time to grow now, they'll see it for sure.' The results came back clear a week later.

Within that time, I have had everything. I shared a cigarette with a guy at college which I later deemed as strange and knew I had HIV. Tuberculosis was next, but I was told that I had some kind of vaccination at birth. Then I began experiencing some severe admoninal pain, which worsened with sex, and found out about mononucleosis. I decided that I most definatley am on the brink of rupturing my spleen. Strange sensations in my arms and I am having a stroke. Heart pain and its either a heart attack or the retched heart disease that I must have. I learnt about tapeworm and thought myself to be infested with parasites, particularly in the brain. I was pregnant about 9 times, with a few ectopic pregnancies due to the chlamydia i MUST have had for years with no symptoms which means I will be infertile. ( I am pretty sure I DONT have chlamydia, BUT HOW WOULD I KNOW???? ( I will get tested for this one soon). I also find it very hard to gain weight despite eating a hell of a lot. I think I really do have a thyroid disorder, hyperthyroidism, and despite being painfully aware of the risks posed by a thyroid storm I have yet to mention it to a health professional. I have constant waves of anxious, hot and dizzying sweat and headaches often. I also get small spasms/twitches, shaking hands and sometimes body, fever and chills, strange twinges in my head like weird hot stabbing electrical impulses, and my muscles ache all the damn time.

There is too much to go over, but recently I found out X-rays can cause mutations which can lead to cancer and BOOM. Its back. I am aware that I sound stupid. The real issue is differentiating between real and delusional symptoms. At which point do I stop ignoring the pain? A week or so ago, I had crippling lung pain, so bad that I couldn't walk and if I could've stopped breathing there and then I would of because it hurt so much. I also am pretty sure I have haglunds deformity ( to do with the heels )due to being forced to wear ill fitting shoes for a brief period as a kid, and I can now only wear and walk in 1 pair of shoes but i haven't been to the doctor because I feel like I am being stupid again. I feel weak and sick and feverish all the freaking time and everything is so hard.

I feel like all I do is complain, and yet that no one will listen. I feel riddled with diseases, I want to walk into the doctors and demand blood tests and yet I won't even go in at all as they dismissed my lungs.

This worry also extends onto everyone I care about. My dog has hip dysplacia but I don't know if that's in my head and she is just built that way, but I am going to vets soon. My mother actually has a broken back, lots of complications, will never be well again, and is on a lot of harmful strong pain killers. Some nights I am sure she will die. I feel guilty for not visiting my Father more in case he does too. I worry about my younger brother developing heart disease or diabetes as he is slightly over weight. I very rarely drink tap water as I am terrified of all its impurities and fluoride content. I worry about the mercury molars in my boyfriends teeth and all of his aches and pains.

I just want to be free. I am so freaking down, and yet try so hard to better myself, help others and to be compassionate. I still feel like a monster, like every bad thing to happen to everyone i love , ever, was because I am a curse. A poison. Filth.

And there I go, complaining again.

02-02-17, 03:15
Hi there,

Thanks for sharing your story, it's makes me sad to read it, but on the other hand you are helping me and hopefully others. I find it helpful because every time I read someone else's story about health anxiety it helps me realise that my fears are nothing more than health anxiety too. I hope you can find a calmer place. It's such a waste to go through life doing so much worrying. Remember it's only possible to get one fatal illness in your entire life. :D Probably when you're 80.

02-02-17, 03:29
Hi there i just want you to know that you are not the only one having rough time with health anxiety i know the feeling and being free is what we all wanted to have, i cant advise that much because i am going through it day by day just trying to move and do the opposite as what the anxiety wants.you are lucky to find this website it helps to know that you are understood by people here and that you dont hide anythin is such a relief.hope feel better soon

02-02-17, 04:41
I'm sorry to hear about all this! I honestly think having anxiety as a teenager is just hell. You just want to relate to your peers but you can't because your mind is filled with worries. I'd go out and play sports with my friends and we'd get covered with bruises and cuts. They'd go home and feel fine and I'd sit there thinking that I have leukemia. This all depends in your personality but I can promise you comedy makes life a hell of a lot easier. I have very dark humor and it makes life more enjoyable. When my father was diagnosed with cancer we both made the worst jokes, but some people find them inappropriate. The best advice my father gave me was "For every evil under the sun, There is a remedy, or there is none. If there be one, try and find it;If there be none, never mind it". Try to accept life as it is. No matter how much we worry about these things we have no control over them. I myself find it hard to live by these words but I keep them close to me. I think maybe if you adopt some of them it could help. Me, you and everyone else shouldn't be wasting our lives worrying when we can spend it much better alternatives! Hope some of these words help you tonight.

02-02-17, 07:23
Hey there,

I'm sorry you have health anxiety at a young age like I did. I remember not sleeping or eating as an 8 year old because I thought I got aids from a toilet seat. You would make international news if you have lung cancer at your age l. I also had the infertility fear since I was a teen until I decided to fall pregnant this year. All your other mentioned fears are all things us health anxiety sufferers have thought up and been stuck on for periods of time.
Medication and counselling and talking about anxiety on here really will take the edge off a bit.