View Full Version : Frequent urination / chamomile tea

02-02-17, 10:52
I know some on here worry about feeling the need to urinate frequently. This too was happening to me and caused a spike in health anxiety. Then I realised the amount of chamomile tea I was drinking to calm myself was actually causing this to an extent. Chamomile tea is a mild diuretic and will make you pee! Thought this might help someone who is worrying over this.

02-02-17, 11:34
This is good info that us sufferers need to be aware of.
Thanks Essy. I worry when I'm peeing too much, then worry when it's not enough. :D

02-02-17, 11:52
I know, same here. Then over analysing the colour etc. Oh the joys!

02-02-17, 23:12
lol, i get drowsy in the morning after using chamomile at night. didnt know it was a mild diuretic, never had a problem there.