View Full Version : panick attack or high anxiety

02-02-17, 11:58
I have been struggling for a few months now with high anxiety and panic

i had been worrying about my health for 2 years but only a few months ago when i was on a date, then a few weeeks later i had one on the train, then over xmas i was having them in the house just sitting watching tv

those seems to have gone now but in my work i can sit for about 2 or 3 hours sometimes feeling like i am having a panic attack but not a full blown one, but it lasts ages

is this deffo panic ? why does it last so long ? i have been in work since 9am and only now do i feel a bit calmer

my eyes where blurry, pins and needles everywhere ( this is how i know its panic) i always get pins and needles everywhere, i feel like i cant get a breath, i sometimes cant talk very well

once it calms down i get a bit hyper for a few mins

also do you ever feel sometimes like you are just going to drift off ? like faint feeling when sitting like you could just doze off

02-02-17, 14:57
I think this is just a form of high anxiety. I can be anxious for hours at work-- until the end of the day when I start feeling better. I have to try to distract myself from going into a full blown panic attack.

02-02-17, 16:41
yes that's me I fight to stop it being a full scale one. I would rather have a full scale one then have a half one all day lol

02-02-17, 16:43
I fight to stop it being a full scale one.

Trying to fight it at actually makes it worse, and perpetuates the problem.

By trying to resist having a panic attack, you are more likely to have one.

How about that for a fact?