View Full Version : So scared

02-02-17, 14:21

I have been having really bad back and chest pains, went to my doctor they are so fed up with me as they keep saying everything is all anxiety. I have had heart palps/ectopics for years and had all the tests and they said i was ok, so this is why everytime i go to the doctors they put it down to anxiety. They sent me fo full blood tests to settle me and they came back fine apart from a little low in vitamin D, but when i say i'' still in pain they say medically i'' fine but mentally i'm not. These pains are really bad they are in my back, mainly left side and go all around my ribs and chest, my chest is so tight that some times it hurts to breathe and the palps are back sonetimes i just get in such a state. I'm worried that its something bad and everyone is missing it. Surely these pains can't be anxiety it hurts so bad and now it hurts in my upper stomach between my breastbone. I feel so drained by it all. Everyone is fed up eith me my husband said i'm not living my life 😢

02-02-17, 14:54
Heart palps scare me too- especially, when I get chest pain with them. I think it's all the adrenaline pumping through you. It really can be anxiety. We just need to accept that the body can't calm down right now. Do you take any type of medication, or go to therapy?

02-02-17, 15:04

I have been having really bad back and chest pains, went to my doctor they are so fed up with me as they keep saying everything is all anxiety. I have had heart palps/ectopics for years and had all the tests and they said i was ok, so this is why everytime i go to the doctors they put it down to anxiety. They sent me fo full blood tests to settle me and they came back fine apart from a little low in vitamin D, but when i say i'' still in pain they say medically i'' fine but mentally i'm not. These pains are really bad they are in my back, mainly left side and go all around my ribs and chest, my chest is so tight that some times it hurts to breathe and the palps are back sonetimes i just get in such a state. I'm worried that its something bad and everyone is missing it.

Hi Bashley.

Do you do any breathing exercises?

A lot of chest pain with anxiety is caused by shallow breathing, I know mine is. If you have had all the tests done and you are fine, you need to address the anxiety.

Surely these pains can't be anxiety it hurts so bad

Yes it can be anxiety which explains why A&E departments say that 50% of people going in with chest pain actually have anxiety.