View Full Version : Newby here!

02-02-17, 15:14
Hi everyone! I have been suffering with anxiety (GAD) and health anxiety for the last 12 years or so.

To jump into things, Around Christmas time I had a little cold that caused a pretty intense sore throat and swollen tonsils. I went to the doctor and he said that basically my allergies were having an allergic reaction to themselves. :huh: Told me to take Zyrtec and things should go away. I'm terrified to take new meds! UGH

So flash back to two weeks ago, I went to my normal doctor and she said it might be tonsillitis so put me on an antibiotic. I actually took that! Surprised myself! The swelling in my tonsils went down a bit to where I could actually get some sleep at night.

Within those two weeks that I've last seen my doctor, I've had some pretty traumatic things happen. We lost two very close friends to us to cancer, and my best friend just got diagnosed with breast cancer. So needless to say, my anxiety has been through the roof!

I guess my question is, can anxiety or stress give you the sensation of having swollen tonsils, or make the sensation worse. Or, what could be giving me swollen tonsils for the last month. I'm so confused! Please help.

02-02-17, 19:55
Hiya and welcome along :flowers:

I have two opinions on this....

Firstly.. are you sure your tonsillitis has cleared 100%. I'm asking this because the last twice I have had tonsillitis, It's taken two courses of antibiotics to get rid of it completely.

Secondly... IF your tonsillitis has cleared up, could you possibly be suffering from globus hystericus?. This is a very common symptom with people who suffer from anxiety. You could still be focusing on your throat because you have been ill recently so although the infection has gone, you could still be feeling the symptoms?.

P.s I am so sorry for your recent loses. :hugs:
