View Full Version : Worried about Trump Now - similar to my HA!

02-02-17, 18:02
So my HA has been pretty good lately. I haven't had any big issues, but when things popped up I have kept them in perspective.

But lately I notice my worry and obsessions shifting to President Trump. What started as just a 'reading the news' has turned into a familiar pattern of reading and reading to combat my anxiety. But it is feeding my anxiety.

I was feeling good 1 hr ago. I opened Facebook and saw an article about the possibility of US war with China, and I started to freak out. I have the same feeling as my HA.

I know a certain amount of anxiety about it is normal. I think the whole world is anxious. But I can feel this crossing into a very familiar path.

02-02-17, 18:09
That's causing worry and anxiety all over the world and even to those that don't suffer from anxiety! I can imagine locking onto that and having anxiety would be rough.

Can't blame you in the least though... it IS scary!

Positive thoughts

Panic sufferer
02-02-17, 18:09
Seriously, I know it isn't easy but if you can, try to consume as little news & current affairs as possible. I not a fan of the bloke either, but he was elected, he'll be there for 4 years, and the media are fascinated with him.

As for war, no one can predict the future. For example I remember reading about the Senkaku Islands two years back, and thinking "it will really kick off between China & Japan here", but nothing has happened.

If you can't have any control or influence over a thing, why worry about it?

02-02-17, 18:17
Like others have said, it is scary. My partner is American, living in the UK, and he is the most level headed person I know.

When Trump was elected... I'd never seen him so frightened. Not angry or bitter... just genuine fear. Fear for the US and the rest of the world.

But we don't know what will happen. The media blows things out of proportion (was it last year the US was meant to be going to war against North Korea?)(or during the Brexit elections where the media said the US would invade the UK if we left Europe... ) The likelihood is nothing will happen.The media knows big topics like war will sell and that is all they want. They don't want to share the news, they want to sell it.

Who knows, Trump might turn out to be the best president ever... maybe... anything is possible right?

02-02-17, 18:33
Thank you for the feedback everyone!

I had been holding about hope that maybe he would go to far and congress and the senate would remove him. But now they seem drunk on power and are going along with all of this. And each day it gets worse and worse. Talk of invading Mexico, pushing at Australia, and now what I read about China.

It just gets me thinking of the worst case scenario, and then I am scared for my 3 little kids and I lose my motivation to want to do anything because, what is the point?

Funny how this comes on so fast. 2 hrs ago I ran 7km outside, felt great, was listening to music. And then I read something and BOOM, it is like the HA obsession thinking starts!.

02-02-17, 19:13
I know exactly how you feel. I've felt like this during the entire election.

02-02-17, 19:15
I still can't believe he got into the White House & will breath easier when he leaves! Think there's alot of uncertainty atm that makes alot of people uneasy, I have to turn tv over when Trump is on, can't look at the man& certainly don't want to listen to him. Easier said than done but try not to focus on this, don't watch the news for a bit. I have had periods
world affairs have terrified me into a complete state & I needed to avoid the news for some time. Hubby wonders why I get so worried about things I have no control over xx

02-02-17, 21:37
Stop panicking. The majority of this nonsense fear is from left wing paranoia and propaganda. Look man, Trump so far has not done anything other presidents haven't done as well. But Aaron the Muslim ban!!! Its not a Muslim ban, if it was it is poorly done since none of the top 6 most populace Islamic countries like Indonesia, India, Pakistan, or Egypt is on the list. Its an immigration ban, a temporary one. You know who else started temporary immigration bans? Obama (who created the country list Trump used for his ban) Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr. Reagan, and Carter. Funny how Hollywood was completely silent then huh? Have to wonder are they against the ban because its the wrong thing to do or because its Trump who is doing it. Don't answer, it was rhetorical.

Same with the LGBT community worrying about omg hes going to ban gay marriage again, well he actually upheld the courts decision, so there goes that fear.

Look I am not trying to recruit you to Trumps side, I am not a big fan of him either, he is unprofessional and lacks tact, but you need to stop panicking. Every election cycle, the losing side screams bloody murder end of the world nonsense. Right now that the right has control, we are the second coming of Nazi Germany, going to start world war 3. The media are all crying because the Democrats are in trouble, they are obsolete, they need to change or be lost to history!!! Before When Obama won, the right were certain we would become a socialist dystopian society run by Sheria Law, OMG the Republican party is finished, we are done for!!! Same shit, different day.

All I am saying is, yes there is some scary stuff going on in the world right now, yes Trump definitely has his faults. But he is not Hitler. There will be some changes, there always is, but we will all be fine, the media live off of ratings and clicks, so they will sensationalize everything to keep the masses glued to the screen.

02-02-17, 21:50
You literally took the words right out of my mouth. I was just coming here to post the exact thing and your post was on top. I also have HA that has been under control for almost two years, but after the immigration order they other day I've spiraled out of control. I worked on immigration for years and know the issue front and back, so the way he's misleading everyone was so insane to me. I also do the same thing reading and reading to find reassurance just like I used to do with health stuff, only to confirm and enhance my own fears.

I have the exact feeling of not wanting to do anything because I feel like the world is going to descend into choas. I'm going to plan a vacation and sign up for a half marathon to try and find myself positive things to look forward to in the future.

I have to get off Facebook completely for a while. I just had my husband change my password.

I woke up in full out panic attacks the last four nights and this morning. I have a therapy appointment next week that cannot come soon enough!

And I'm someone who has always been involved in politics. And I have a master's in National Security. I didn't vote for Obama either but never had this kind of fear. Now I can't even look at the news without feeling sick.

I'm sorry you're going through this!! I did comfort me to see how similar our experiences are, showing that even though things are crazy right now, most of this is or anxiety getting the best of us. Hang in there!!

02-02-17, 22:09
My personal opinion is that Trump is a disaster. I think he is a fascist. I can't believe he has been elected. He is a dangerous, power crazed nutbag who is a threat to world security. However I think there comes a point, whatever your political views, when you have to re-focus. The press are having a field day whipping up hysteria about him. Although I feel that they are in many ways justified, it won't help to get sucked in by it. You will become exhausted, disillusioned and paranoid. I had similar feelings when we went through Brexit in the UK. I passionately opposed Brexit, and ended up constantly engaged in debates on social media, reading scare stories about it and generally feeling really anxious and scared about the future.

What helped me is to think about what I can do, and try to focus on my own situation. I made a real effort to connect with immigrant communities where I live and reach out to them so that they knew they were not hated and were welcome. I joined political groups and causes who could campaign on my behalf. I tried to look at what I could do locally that would create positive changes. I don't think that we should ignore world events or be ignorant about them, but we have to choose to engage in a way that is healthy and manageable for us.

I have a friend who has been a key campaigner in South Africa for many years. She now lives in America and is very opposed to Trump too, she is a political activist. However she recognises that the media hype can be counter productive, as people will exhaust themselves and burn out. What really helps is to pick your battles, and be in it for the long haul. If you need to switch off from the news for a while, don't feel bad. Do what you can to create a fairer society, but not at the expense of your health, otherwise you will be less well equipped to be a voice against injustice in the longer term.

02-02-17, 22:48
So my HA has been pretty good lately. I haven't had any big issues, but when things popped up I have kept them in perspective.

But lately I notice my worry and obsessions shifting to President Trump. What started as just a 'reading the news' has turned into a familiar pattern of reading and reading to combat my anxiety. But it is feeding my anxiety.

I was feeling good 1 hr ago. I opened Facebook and saw an article about the possibility of US war with China, and I started to freak out. I have the same feeling as my HA.

I know a certain amount of anxiety about it is normal. I think the whole world is anxious. But I can feel this crossing into a very familiar path.

I don't feel anxiety about trump. Although I can REALLY understand why people do. I feel disgust and shame and embarrassment that he was elected to office. I have "known" him since 1990 and seen all of his antics for years. I see him as a nightmare. I still can't believe he is the president. What I hold onto is that he really can't be dictator as we have many checks and balances. Fingers crossed those checks and balances do what they were designed to do.

02-02-17, 23:13
please dont get your news from facebook.

Gary A
02-02-17, 23:19
You pesky yanks and your politics. :whistles:

03-02-17, 03:23
I'm scared too

03-02-17, 04:32
As an American, I'd like to apologize. Don't blame me, I voted for Bernie.

03-02-17, 05:39
As an American, I'd like to apologize. Don't blame me, I voted for Bernie.

Bernie Sanders? Did you abstain after that then?

---------- Post added at 05:39 ---------- Previous post was at 05:30 ----------

Like others have said, it is scary. My partner is American, living in the UK, and he is the most level headed person I know.

When Trump was elected... I'd never seen him so frightened. Not angry or bitter... just genuine fear. Fear for the US and the rest of the world.

But we don't know what will happen. The media blows things out of proportion (was it last year the US was meant to be going to war against North Korea?)(or during the Brexit elections where the media said the US would invade the UK if we left Europe... ) The likelihood is nothing will happen.The media knows big topics like war will sell and that is all they want. They don't want to share the news, they want to sell it.

Who knows, Trump might turn out to be the best president ever... maybe... anything is possible right?

Stop panicking. The majority of this nonsense fear is from left wing paranoia and propaganda. Look man, Trump so far has not done anything other presidents haven't done as well. But Aaron the Muslim ban!!! Its not a Muslim ban, if it was it is poorly done since none of the top 6 most populace Islamic countries like Indonesia, India, Pakistan, or Egypt is on the list. Its an immigration ban, a temporary one. You know who else started temporary immigration bans? Obama (who created the country list Trump used for his ban) Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr. Reagan, and Carter. Funny how Hollywood was completely silent then huh? Have to wonder are they against the ban because its the wrong thing to do or because its Trump who is doing it. Don't answer, it was rhetorical.

Same with the LGBT community worrying about omg hes going to ban gay marriage again, well he actually upheld the courts decision, so there goes that fear.

Look I am not trying to recruit you to Trumps side, I am not a big fan of him either, he is unprofessional and lacks tact, but you need to stop panicking. Every election cycle, the losing side screams bloody murder end of the world nonsense. Right now that the right has control, we are the second coming of Nazi Germany, going to start world war 3. The media are all crying because the Democrats are in trouble, they are obsolete, they need to change or be lost to history!!! Before When Obama won, the right were certain we would become a socialist dystopian society run by Sheria Law, OMG the Republican party is finished, we are done for!!! Same shit, different day.

All I am saying is, yes there is some scary stuff going on in the world right now, yes Trump definitely has his faults. But he is not Hitler. There will be some changes, there always is, but we will all be fine, the media live off of ratings and clicks, so they will sensationalize everything to keep the masses glued to the screen.

Sensible posts.

Personally I don't think today's society would want to go back to rationing and whale meat sarnies are off the menu now...:winks:

Anyone remember Private Fraser in Dad's Army? "We're doomed, doomed I tell thee".

It's the media. Treat it like you do the DM telling you rubbing your thumb on a red car gives you cancer. :rolleyes:

Can you imagine the size of the jails we would need for conscientious objectors? The lawyers would be minted out of it all.

Honestly, the speculation about far right conditions mirroring 1930's Germany just makes me smile. Back in the days when they trusted their "betters" and largely didn't understand further than a few square miles. I might live "oop north" to many a Londoner with being in the Midlands but the days of dothing my cap to t'mill owner are long gone. Every argument looks to the politics and assumed the electorate are all bloodthirsty. We are better informed and society has greatly changed.

Anyway I'm off to ask the missus where me tea is :winks:

03-02-17, 06:09
Odd, I was going to post something like this. I realized lately I have been short of breath, not like I am having lung failure, but like my first issues with anxiety 25 years ago. That inability to get a full breath. I also noticed no matter how tired I am, I can't seem to sleep in, up early every morning.

I fully intend on cutting my news consumption to nil, or close to it. I have to for the sake of my mental health for the next four years. I will help locally, volunteer at a good shelf, help people who need it in my community and mourn for some of the things we are going to lose in the next four years, and that is probably the most I can do to make the corner of my world a better place. Anything else is just ding to my anxiety, with no real appreciable gain.

Chris 614
03-02-17, 07:02
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who is reacting anxiously to what Trump is doing. Not that I'm happy other people have anxiety about this! But I think that people who feel the media is blowing things out of proportion are being naive. I wake up each day wondering what new country he pissed off! That isn't comforting. There are millions of Americans who can't believe he won the election. He is a bully and an egomaniac. It's embarrassing. It's scary. I feel very insecure. I don't know what executive order he might sign on a whim.

I am hopeful that we can weed out some of this crap in the courts. I also hope our checks and balances will hold up. I am encouraged by the protesters. I give people a lot of credit for getting out there....peacefully.

I had to stop reading about about this stuff. If I'm feeling particularly brave I will check out the headlines and read a little...but not so much. What I now do is watch Seth Meyers and Samantha Bee on YouTube...the humor helps digest the craziness of all of this.

---------- Post added at 23:02 ---------- Previous post was at 23:00 ----------

And, I voted for Hillary.

03-02-17, 07:52
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who is reacting anxiously to what Trump is doing. Not that I'm happy other people have anxiety about this! But I think that people who feel the media is blowing things out of proportion are being naive. I wake up each day wondering what new country he pissed off! That isn't comforting. There are millions of Americans who can't believe he won the election. He is a bully and an egomaniac. It's embarrassing. It's scary. I feel very insecure. I don't know what executive order he might sign on a whim.

I am hopeful that we can weed out some of this crap in the courts. I also hope our checks and balances will hold up. I am encouraged by the protesters. I give people a lot of credit for getting out there....peacefully.

I had to stop reading about about this stuff. If I'm feeling particularly brave I will check out the headlines and read a little...but not so much. What I now do is watch Seth Meyers and Samantha Bee on YouTube...the humor helps digest the craziness of all of this.

---------- Post added at 23:02 ---------- Previous post was at 23:00 ----------

And, I voted for Hillary.

Other than those who frequent political forums and the comments sections of newspapers, most people in the UK simply won't be bothered. Our bin collection not turning up one week is more significant.

Don't worry, people aren't so naive to think one person elected for 4 years represents you all. We are very used to voting for the best of the worst in the UK.

But I don't think people are naive in dismissing the frothing media. The media are very biased. You may not realise it but the subject on politics forums here alongside Trump was the toxic Hillary and how she might lead you into war with Russia. Basically, both candidates were viewed badly.

Regardless though, no one thinks ill of normal people for the same reasons we would have to be morons to generalise about either sides supporters. We are capable of reasoning that you can vote for the least of two evils, who most addresses your personal needs, etc without thinking everyone is a hardcore supporter.

I voted Tory the last two General Elections despite they are giving the disabled a good kicking over here including us on this forum. But the other side were not able to govern, in my opinion, but I still defend the need to stop what is happening to the disabled. It's never all or nothing.

P.S. There are various threads across the forum about Trump including the long running one discussing the political side on the Misc board. It's not just this thread where worries are raised, there are more of you on here.

---------- Post added at 07:52 ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 ----------

So, what would the symptoms be of this HA? We've got Googling for reassurance.

Headaches, nausea, compulsive showering, urges to bang head against walls and an annoying pain in the arse? :winks:

03-02-17, 08:16
Personally, I'm still gob open STUNNED that he made it into the White House but the orange overlord is here for the duration unless they can find a reason to throw him out.

For me, it isn't so much as what other people are saying about him as what actually comes out of his own mouth. There can be no disputing the kind of man he is..

I'm steering clear of politics..best to watch cats what make you LOL vids.

Chris 614
03-02-17, 11:02
Yes, Terry. Nausea, much showering, much head banging, a very constant pain in the butt, much sighing and head shaking, and uncontrollable utterances of UGH every time you read the news.

03-02-17, 12:20
As an American, I'd like to apologize. Don't blame me, I voted for Bernie.

~lol~ Josh I hear ya! In all my voting years, regardless of who won, I always had a sense we were going to be Ok and I also had a respect for the man in office. This time? I don't feel safe, I'm embarrassed for the US and I have zero respect for the man-child.

Positive and very scary thoughts

Gary A
03-02-17, 12:32
I don't find it scary at all. I just don't care.

Politics here in the UK and in the US is utterly comical. It's now conducted by shouty men and women in suits who attract shouty men and women who like to shout on social media. One side shouts louder than the other, and wins. The losing side take to the streets and social media....to shout. :wacko:

Nah, not for me thanks.

03-02-17, 16:52
shouty men

Great name for a punk music group :)

Positive thoughts

04-02-17, 00:26
If xenophobia was an illness then uneducated Americans would have it. It goes to show how disillusioned the US voting public are that they would vote for such a pompous blowhard.

04-02-17, 01:31
I don't find it scary at all. I just don't care.

Politics here in the UK and in the US is utterly comical. It's now conducted by shouty men and women in suits who attract shouty men and women who like to shout on social media. One side shouts louder than the other, and wins. The losing side take to the streets and social media....to shout. :wacko:

Nah, not for me thanks.

I agree. I think people waste too much time worrying about it really. I think it makes people feel important. When in reality to me we can't change much as people think. But I try not to worry about it and live life and worry about things I can change. I will say if anyone can get us out of debt it would be trump. Not sure how good of a president he will be. But I do hope he's one of the best presidents we have seen in awhile. And no i did not vote for him ( I did not vote at all ).

But I do find it sad people are hating on trump so bad they are trashing our own country to try to get him out of the White House? How does that make any sense at all??

Chris 614
04-02-17, 02:34
If xenophobia was an illness then uneducated Americans would have it. It goes to show how disillusioned the US voting public are that they would vote for such a pompous blowhard.

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote...she had around 2.9 million more votes than Trump. Unfortunately, we have an antiquated voting system that relies on the electoral college for each state...and it's unnecessarily complicated to try to explain. Bottom line is, the majority voted for Clinton, but Trump won the right states in electoral votes.

This is from factcheck: "The reason that the Constitution calls for this extra layer, rather than just providing for the direct election of the president, is that most of the nation’s founders were actually rather afraid of democracy. James Madison worried about what he called “factions,” which he defined as groups of citizens who have a common interest in some proposal that would either violate the rights of other citizens or would harm the nation as a whole. Madison’s fear – which Alexis de Tocqueville later dubbed “the tyranny of the majority” – was that a faction could grow to encompass more than 50 percent of the population, at which point it could “sacrifice to its ruling passion or interest both the public good and the rights of other citizens.” Madison has a solution for tyranny of the majority: “A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect, and promises the cure for which we are seeking.”

Kind of ironic.

04-02-17, 03:39
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote...she had around 2.9 million more votes than Trump. Unfortunately, we have an antiquated voting system that relies on the electoral college for each state...and it's unnecessarily complicated to try to explain. Bottom line is, the majority voted for Clinton, but Trump won the right states in electoral votes.

This is from factcheck: "The reason that the Constitution calls for this extra layer, rather than just providing for the direct election of the president, is that most of the nation’s founders were actually rather afraid of democracy. James Madison worried about what he called “factions,” which he defined as groups of citizens who have a common interest in some proposal that would either violate the rights of other citizens or would harm the nation as a whole. Madison’s fear – which Alexis de Tocqueville later dubbed “the tyranny of the majority” – was that a faction could grow to encompass more than 50 percent of the population, at which point it could “sacrifice to its ruling passion or interest both the public good and the rights of other citizens.” Madison has a solution for tyranny of the majority: “A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect, and promises the cure for which we are seeking.”

Kind of ironic.

Our system isn't based on popular vote, Chris.

Popular vote doesn't work either, that just means cities take over and smaller places never get any consideration.

---------- Post added at 03:39 ---------- Previous post was at 03:36 ----------

If xenophobia was an illness then uneducated Americans would have it. It goes to show how disillusioned the US voting public are that they would vote for such a pompous blowhard.

Swajj, you do realise how uneducated & bigoted this view is? Are you sure you agree with less education = racism, xenophobia? The same is said about Brexit Leave voters and it's just as ignorant & offensive then.

Gary A
04-02-17, 03:54
Let the shouting commence...

FYI, politics on a public forum based around something very far removed from politics is a really bad idea. Just a hint.

04-02-17, 04:05
Let the shouting commence...

FYI, politics on a public forum based around something very far removed from politics is a really bad idea. Just a hint.

That's why we have them on the Misc board. They've been going on through most of 2016.

People can choose though and the Misc board is perhaps better as less currently triggered people are on there. They pop up on the GAD board too.

04-02-17, 06:21
lol I don't particularly care. It's my view nonetheless.

04-02-17, 06:53
lol I don't particularly care. It's my view nonetheless.

Ok. But you might want to consider we have members who voted for him and they might be upset by a comment like that.

---------- Post added at 06:53 ---------- Previous post was at 06:47 ----------

I don't find it scary at all. I just don't care.

Politics here in the UK and in the US is utterly comical. It's now conducted by shouty men and women in suits who attract shouty men and women who like to shout on social media. One side shouts louder than the other, and wins. The losing side take to the streets and social media....to shout. :wacko:

Nah, not for me thanks.

I meant to say earlier, Gary, I think most of us would be like this too.

It is comical and usually the best example of hypocrisy anyone could ever wish for when you consider our latest government is chided for not resolving something the opposition failed to when they were in 4 years before.

Swings & roundabouts.

04-02-17, 06:54
OP, many of us have felt this worry recently and have been very concerned...and that goes for both people on the right and the left that I know. I posted something similar to this a few weeks ago. I even know laid back people who are anxious about Trump. Whether you support him or not, you have to admit that he's very unpredictable and does not have much of a filter, and it's that uncertainty that makes people worry.

04-02-17, 07:04
Yes, Terry. Nausea, much showering, much head banging, a very constant pain in the butt, much sighing and head shaking, and uncontrollable utterances of UGH every time you read the news.

Don't forget the more complex psychiatric disorders too, Chris, like...

Trumphilia - an impulse disorder where the sufferer feels urges to grab private parts and kiss.

Trumposis - symptoms include paranoia, irrational bouts of complaining that something won't go your way before the fact and occasional musical utterings of "money, money, money, money...money".

Multiple Trump Disorder - a severe and rare disorder sharing symptoms of Trumposis except includes multiple opposing personalities that often agree in principle but continue to argue as one "Trump" can't accept the opinion of another being right over themselves. Also shares the musical outbursts indicated with Trumposis except in this instance all personalities will stop arguing and perform in chorus with each other.

Trumpolar - the sufferer is prone to swings between Democrat and Republican party supporting. The sufferer also struggles with urges not to Tweet.

It should be noted that significant co morbidity has been found in observation of sufferers.

04-02-17, 11:38
Brilliant MyNameIsTerry! ( won't Google as sounds serious!):roflmao:

04-02-17, 13:22
Brilliant MyNameIsTerry! ( won't Google as sounds serious!):roflmao:

Glad it gave you a giggle, Cakelady.

No, don't Google "MyNameIsTerry", it's a well known pain in the backside too! :winks::yesyes:

04-02-17, 15:54

20-02-17, 15:14
I'm finding the whole Trump thing a bit scary but it's actually helping my OCD, as it gives me an excuse to obsessively research 'where to go in the event of WWIII breaking out' and look up loads of prepper websites. Silver linings, at least my imp of the mind's happy :)

20-02-17, 23:34
I started this post a few weeks ago and am surprised it has gotten so big!

I stopped looking at so much news, and looked at other things. To me the news was like Google for HA. I used it for reassurance but of course it didn't work cause he is a nut case.
His news conference last week made me very nervous. His attacks on the press and loony atttitude make me feel like he is a dictator and will destroy the world!
When he mentioned Russia and a nuclear holocaust, it really set me up.

I actually see my psychologist tomorrow! She was alway. At least she will be happy I am not worried about my health!

21-02-17, 00:14
I'm finding the whole Trump thing a bit scary but it's actually helping my OCD, as it gives me an excuse to obsessively research 'where to go in the event of WWIII breaking out' and look up loads of prepper websites. Silver linings, at least my imp of the mind's happy :)

It's simple. Sit & watch the light show, you wouldn't want to survive it anyway! :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 00:14 ---------- Previous post was at 00:12 ----------

I started this post a few weeks ago and am surprised it has gotten so big!

I stopped looking at so much news, and looked at other things. To me the news was like Google for HA. I used it for reassurance but of course it didn't work cause he is a nut case.
His news conference last week made me very nervous. His attacks on the press and loony atttitude make me feel like he is a dictator and will destroy the world!
When he mentioned Russia and a nuclear holocaust, it really set me up.

I actually see my psychologist tomorrow! She was alway. At least she will be happy I am not worried about my health!

The one on Misc is huge, but then it's some of us discussing the politics.

Remember, you survived Bush Jr, a warmonger. You will survive this.