View Full Version : Getting upset

17-04-07, 14:42
I just wanted to know if anyone else gets upset and anxious when there's a change in circumstances.

There's been a change of plans with regards to a group I wanted to change to. It's a confidence group, i was under the impression from what I was told and from what I understood, that it was something I could start when I was ready, that it was an ongoing group and the time I thought was best for me to start is when one of the things i have to do ends in 2 weeks.

But I've found out today that it's like a course that has a start and finish date and if I want to do it i've got to start next Tuesday.

I have since decided to give the course a go but initially I didn't know whether to do it or not and was feeling upset. I wanted to start when I felt the time was right, does anyone else get upset over things like this?

Heather x

17-04-07, 14:51
:hugs: :hugs: all the time hun!:ohmy: We dont like change us lot i dont think,i panic if an appointment has changed or i have one unexpectedly too:madness: i am sure once you have settled into this new gruop you will be fine ,it's the thought of the unknown that sends us into anxiety mode for a while,hey come back and tell us all about it hun:flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

17-04-07, 17:30
Hi Like Paddie said we dont like change,Iv been really anxious last few days.
We had to go to the bank and open a new account and then get a loan.Then we went and sorted out getting another car.Now I have just booked our holiday to devon,and its just to much for me to cope with in one go.Iv been used to one car for the last four years,and now got to get used to another.Im now worried about the holiday,because this time last year I was having a really awful time at the site we are going to this time,but Iv got to go, to get over this fear and lie a few demons.
well done on going to the course,thays more than I can do.
Its very common to feel like you,you are not alone pet.:hugs:

17-04-07, 18:38
Hi Heather

Im so pleased you have decided to attend the course, its sounds like it could be really helpfull, but understand how you must feel about the change of start date.
Im just the same i hate change of routine it makes my anxiety worse, :ohmy: so your not alone with the way you are feeling.
Well done Heather for deciding to go on this course it will be another step forward for you.


17-04-07, 19:22
Hi Heather,

I think this is really common...with me its a control thing...or the security of knowing exactly whats going to happen and when its going to happen...unexpected changes freak me out.

We missed a flight home once a few years ago, just as I began to suffer badly from anxiety and depression...I can tell you I was absolutely hysterical :weep: :weep: (and not with laughter lol!) I had visions of never being able to get home ever again and having to live the rest of my life in Belgium lol! My travelling companions (all 43 of them) mustve though I was completely nuts (which somehow made it worse...though i can laugh about it now).

Anyway I think its great that despite feeling upset you've decided to go for it...a big step in the right direction. Hope it goes well (I'm sure it will).

luv Coni X


17-04-07, 19:44
I know what you are saying Heths, but how many times have we all worried about change, only to go through the experience and then look back, and happy we chose to go though with it.

You have decided already, so you are on the right track and I bet you look back on it as a positive.

Good Luck


P.S. Coni, I have been to Belgium too, I would have been hysterical at the thought of living there ;) (sorry to all belgium visitors)