View Full Version : Upcoming Stress Test, blood work and others ...

02-02-17, 22:06
So I've been waiting and hoping for the "oh you have this and this is how you fix it" visit to the doctor.

I've had discomfort in my upper abdominal area that was written off as heartburn at a visit to the walk in and I was given Nexium.

Three weeks later, the pain is still there.
I finally found a new GP and I had my initial visit with him today. He said it could be a bug (wants blood work to rule it out), but he thinks it may be GERD and I might just need to switch pills.
To rule out gallstones I'm also getting an Ultrasound next week ...

He wants to check on my heart so he's ordered me a stress test, something that I can't remember and what I think was an ultra sound of the heart.
Are those tests to rule out heart? Or does he suspect something? I'm 34, ex smoker, no history of heart disease in my family.
I'm a bit overweight but very physically active.

I've had 2 ECGs, 2 sets of chest X-rays and two sets of blood work in the past 2 months and all have come back fine.

I'm happy that I found a doctor who is being so through, but now my HA is making me super concerned why all these tests are necessary.

10-02-17, 01:34
Hey, if anything I'm jealous that you're being offered a stress test. Artial fibrillation came up for me on an ambulance ecg a month back and I've only just been offered a 24 hour monitor. I think if you have anxiety, the doctor is aware that you have anxiety then they could be doing it to keep your mind at rest. I know personally with mad health anxiety I've been waiting to drop dead for the past month so I'd take it with a pinch of salt and know that there's probably nothing malicious just them keeping your mind at rest. Sorry if I've got anything wrong and I hope everything comes out well for you! Once this is done your mind will be at rest I hope lots of love x