View Full Version : I have beaten this health anxiety once before, without even knowing-i can do it again

02-02-17, 22:25
About 15 years ago I was going through the normal life stresses of being in a very unhappy relationship, money problems etc etc I started getting a lot of headaches, became sensitive to bright lights, had the walking around in a daze and not in my own body feeling.

I became obsessed with those symptoms and convinced myself that I had a brain tumour. The horrible feelings and thoughts lasted for about 6 months or so and I went to the doctor who sent me for blood tests and everything came back normal. I then started to get back pain everyday, so I went to the doctors again and he told me that I was morbidly obese and sent me away.

Hearing those words freaked me out so I went on a Weight Watchers diet straight away and started exercising daily and I lost around 3 stone and the symptoms and thoughts disappeared just like that.

Back then there were no smart phones and I don't think we had the internet at home so there was no googling symptoms so the thought of having anxiety never even crossed my mind and the doctor never mentioned anxiety. It is only now I'm having my 2nd bout of anxiety that I realise that I was suffering with anxiety back then without even knowing and i beat it!!

Is it a coincidence that I hadn't even thought about it for about 14 years until last year and 2 weeks later I find myself at A & E feeling very strange and panicking?? I was just laying in bed one night and those memories entered my head for some reason and I just thought to myself that I am so glad that I don't feel like that anymore, then a couple of weeks later it all kicks off again!!

After that incident last year the doctor at the hospital said that he put it down to stress and being anxious. So what do I do when I get home.....start googling anxiety symptoms.....then I start getting anxiety symptoms.....then I start becoming obsessed with my health again but now it is my heart, not a brain tumour.

Basically I have learnt that Google is not your friend when it comes to symptoms and that if I focus on something in my life, exercise and be more positive that this can actually disappear.

The only issue that I have now is that I know that I have anxiety so I keep thinking about it so it is hard to focus on other things but I can do this again...eventually!!

03-02-17, 18:13
I know Google and the internet have fueled my anxiety. And has helpfully and this site can be, it can also contribute to the anxiety because I read about other people issues which triggers more anxiety. I've tried to stop all internet searching but it is difficult.

03-02-17, 18:41
I know Google and the internet have fueled my anxiety. And has helpfully and this site can be, it can also contribute to the anxiety because I read about other people issues which triggers more anxiety. I've tried to stop all internet searching but it is difficult.

Yeah, you are right. When it all first started I was googling all of the time but now it is only really when I am in the middle of an "episode", which is probably the worst time to do it. Luckily the episodes are a lot less than they used to be!!

03-02-17, 21:27
This makes sense, keeping busy helps. I've been studying a lot recently and although I'm still scared of the possible illness I'm fearing, my mind being occupied on other things is helping calm and simmer the fear down a little.