View Full Version : Let's play the dreaded symptoms game

03-02-17, 00:13
In this game you have to sort out the following symptoms ranging from the most frightening to the less fearsome one, in your world of HA (not by medical objectivity) :

a) discovering a swollen lymph node (big, tender but not painfull, hard under the finger and firlmy fixed.

b) one week headache non stop that won't go away with paracetamol and ohter pain killers, occuring mostly on morning with vomiting and coming with balance issues

c) sudden weaknedd in a limb (hand, arm, leg of feet), along with strange sensations (prickling, numbness)

d) waking up one morning only to find you whole body full of inexplicable bruises, plus bloody gums when brushing teeth

e) blood in poo (dark and foul) aka melena or probable upper tract bleeding

f) fresh blood in poo aka colon beeding (or hemmorrhoid if you're lucky)

g) very pale stools, clayish and grey or even fully withe coming along with middle belly pain...

h) caughing up blood (hemoptisyis), and I mean coughing, not just sucking some blood out of the mouth

i) getting waked up at night by an acute pain in the knee cap and discovering it has swollen up by a large margin


There goes the list, and if I played the game, for me it would go like this from most to less terryfing symptom:

h - b - a - c - e -g - f - d- i

Let's see how your imagination works as it comes with HA

03-02-17, 00:21
Im going to pass on participation here, Id rather not give ANY of them any thought lest I begin to experience symptoms of them all.

I read an article once and was certain I finally knew what was wrong and it ended up being ovarian cancer, didn't help much but my Dr got a good laugh out of it.

03-02-17, 00:28
I get your point, my friend.
My sole purpose here was to offer some self mockery in order to take the drama out of our phob!ias. And maybe to see if the mind of a Healh Axious person has some similar pattern of fear.


03-02-17, 00:41
Im going to pass on participation here, Id rather not give ANY of them any thought lest I begin to experience symptoms of them all.

I read an article once and was certain I finally knew what was wrong and it ended up being ovarian cancer, didn't help much but my Dr got a good laugh out of it.

This made me laugh

03-02-17, 00:58
I'll play.
Dreaded symptom #1: discovering a breast lump.
#2: discovering a weird lesion on skin that looks like skin cancer
#3: blood in poop.
#4: dizziness and blurred vision. Eek, it's brain cancer!
#5: hard, fixed, enlarged lymph node in neck, under arm, or pretty much anywhere.
#6: dark urine. Hello, kidney failure.
#7: weird lump under tongue.
#8: whites of eyes look yellow. Liver failure.
#9: heart palpitations. If this isn't a heart attack, it's probably going to scare me into having one!
#10: ANYTHING wrong with ANY of my kids.

03-02-17, 01:27
Why focus and talk about your symptoms? That makes you focus on them when you should be trying not to and that just keeps the anxiety about them alive. Wouldn't it be more constructive not to?

Positive thoughts

03-02-17, 01:37
Personaly this list helps me measuring how absurd i am regarding the dreaded signs the body could provide me with. Plus there's something funny as to observe how each of us has his her own demon-symptom. It makes layback to some extent and brings forth some much needed relativity.
But i did not want to upset you guys with my thread an i apologie if i ever did.