View Full Version : Panic at night

03-02-17, 03:21
I dont take anything with caffeine in it after midday, dont use blue light technologies after 9pm. If i have a drink late at night it will be hot milk or camomile tea. once im in bed i will massage my feet and legs and shoulders. I will also massage my head,temples and brow too. All these things will help me to chill out.when i close my eyes in my room thats totally dark from any street light, i think of some good things from my past. If i have difficulty in getting off to sleep or there is too much troubles from my day keeping me awake and causing anxiety. Then i will get out of bed and sit up to meditate, usually sitting with my eyes closed and listening to all the things that roll through my mind, watching the images of my past or my imagination and letting myself feel whole and at peace where i sit. if i feel anxious about this and still cant settle, then i will get up and try some stretches and some muscle tensing exersizes, walk around in my room waving my arms around and generally trying to wear off the anxiety. After this i could read somthing or maybe do some doodling on my notepad. If i get back into bed and cant settle still, i may put the radio on quitley and listen to something mundane or some music that usually makes me switch off mentally because i get bored with it and start daydreaming or thinking to myself quitley in my head. sometimes i wake up at dawn and somthing like classic FM is playin away:D I guess what im tryin to say is that theres nothing wrong with some routine or discipline as it can help train your mind, your body into other beleif systems and you might just get through the night without a panic attack.:)

03-02-17, 07:53
I dont take anything with caffeine in it after midday, dont use blue light technologies after 9pm.

I've all but dropped it down to no blue light after 6pm as I have been having very vivid dreams and it's not only about the light which is emitted but also the amount of information you're taking in. Since doing that, my dreams aren't quite so funky.

05-02-17, 10:50
It's good to have a routine at night to help with panic, it helps to feel more in control.

I take a magnesium tablet before bed and listen to a sleep guided meditation on my phone, I turn my phone over to block out the light, if I'm having a bad night I listen to a few meditations with my ear phones in to help relax me and stop my mind going over, I sometimes take some kalms too.