View Full Version : This time it's probably something :((((

03-02-17, 08:09
I have been on this forum for a while now. I go through these little moments where I freak out about things for a month or so then I have good days when I don't freak out. I understand I may be going through that moment when I'm freaking out this month because I've been concerned over a few different symptoms .

But this time I'm worried, this time it's different . This time I'm convinced my lucky streak is about to end . I truly have a feeling I have a heart problem . I went to do a little yoga last night and the lady on the tv told me to left both my arms above my head for 5 or 6 seconds and when I did my arms went numb. It was way scary! I shook both of my hands quickly cause they pretty much fell asleep! Now I plan on making a doctors appointment but I know they won't be able to see me until at least Thursday (Family doctor) and if I have to see a specialist the wait may even be longer ! I don't know how to enjoy life now . I'm scared I may drop dead at any moment. I also have a black dot on one of my nails.

6 or 7 months ago I went to a prenatal check up and when the doctor put the blood pressure armcuff on my arm my arm went numb ! I told the nurse it hurt she didn't say much. I guess I didn't mention it back then to the doctor because I thought it was pregnancy related. But now I'm
Terrified it's something heart related :(

I just hate this so much. I just hate myself for eating Chinese food, pizzas and fast food, I hate myself for not being able to work out for two years because I had two babies back to back. I feel like such an idiot for letting myself get so weak and unhealthy . Now I'm scared I have a problem with my heart and I'm stressed out about it😔

03-02-17, 09:08
My hands get tingly if I put them above my head. I have a beginners pilates dvd that I had to stop doing because of this (I'm not worried it's just very uncomfortable and means I can't do half the dvd properly). I can't even scratch my upperback for longer than a few seconds as the tingling starts.

I also get tingly fingers when blood pressure gets taken I think that's normal as it goes really tight.

03-02-17, 09:56
I get similar sensations when doing Pilates, but my teacher advised that is common.

03-02-17, 10:19
I went to do a little yoga last night and the lady on the tv told me to left both my arms above my head for 5 or 6 seconds and when I did my arms went numb. It was way scary! I shook both of my hands quickly cause they pretty much fell asleep!

I get that when I do my yoga.

I just hate this so much. I just hate myself for eating Chinese food, pizzas and fast food, I hate myself for not being able to work out for two years because I had two babies back to back. I feel like such an idiot for letting myself get so weak and unhealthy . Now I'm scared I have a problem with my heart and I'm stressed out about it😔

Chinese food is loaded with sodium which intensifies anxiety symptoms, especially related to the heart. If I have a Chinese meal, I can guarantee a panic attack. You'll be doing yourself a big favour if you cut it out and start to eat more healthily.

All the best.

03-02-17, 12:16
I have heart disease etc. etc. etc.... I've never known what you describe to be a symptom of heart problems.

Positive thoughts

03-02-17, 13:07
Arms numb, or pins and needles sound more like a neck issue.

03-02-17, 17:38
Chinese food is bad for you?

Well shit.... I thought I was doing myself a favor with all the veggies.

01-03-17, 22:26
This can 100% be caused by tight neck and tight back muscles. It's basically about your blood vessels and muscles tensing and thus causing the numbness when you raise your hands. My sister gets this but also gets pins and needles too. I actually Googled this extensively for her and there's nothing bad that comes up at all (don't Google just trust me haha) you're fine and maybe try doing more yoga and correcting your posture. Take care.

Catherine S
01-03-17, 22:35
I thought it was nothing more complicated than the blood rushing backwards because you've got your arms high up in the air. As in arms down normal blood flow, arms up not much blood flow. That's it. No biggie.


02-03-17, 00:27
Is yoga new for you? Any new physical activity is going to cause a bunch of weird physical sensations as your body starts to adjust to it.

Even if it isn't, don't freak out. Millions of people eat unhealthily without working out for decades before anything manifests.

Now that you're aware of your diet and exercise habits though, you can start to take steps to adjust them. That's a more proactive way to tackle your fears instead of worrying about possible heart problems :)

02-03-17, 00:38
Bit of an old thread this. Hopefully the OP got through the issue.