View Full Version : Can somebody explain this

03-02-17, 10:47
I'll try to be short. I've been scared of illness all my life. Recently i had my tests done and the results are near to perfection.
But everytime i get a little stress, i get llightheaded, my mouth dries and i urinate frequntly. I was scared of having diabetes but now i have 100% confirmation from different doctors that i don't.
Can someone explain to me how can stress give you these symptoms, it's becoming ridiculous.

03-02-17, 11:03
I'll try to be short. I've been scared of illness all my life. Recently i had my tests done and the results are near to perfection.
But everytime i get a little stress, i get llightheaded, my mouth dries and i urinate frequntly. I was scared of having diabetes but now i have 100% confirmation from different doctors that i don't.
Can someone explain to me how can stress give you these symptoms, it's becoming ridiculous.

It's a chemical reaction in your body - the stress response.

Basically, it's your body reacting AS IT SHOULD because the fight or flight has been triggered. The more anxious you are, the less it takes to trigger it. I became SO sensitized that just hearing a particular piece of music, triggered a panic attack.

Lightheadedness, dry mouth and frequent urination are CLASSIC anxiety symptoms.

What are you doing to address the anxiety?

03-02-17, 11:51
First of all, thank you for your quick response.
Well I dont take any medication so besides some martial arts and trying to eat as healthy as I can, I don't know......
Any advice is welcome!

03-02-17, 12:09
It's what's called the "fight or flight response" (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Kidneys_urgency_to_urinate_frequent_urina tion_sudden_urge_to_go_to_the_toilet) and is the body's innate reaction to threatening situations and fear which anxiety causes.

Treating the root of the problem (your anxiety) will also treat the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

03-02-17, 15:12
First of all, thank you for your quick response.
Well I dont take any medication so besides some martial arts and trying to eat as healthy as I can, I don't know......
Any advice is welcome!

Exercise is good with anxiety as it puts the excess adrenalin to good use. Also, eating healthily is obviously beneficial for all of us but especially with anxiety as diet can make symptoms worse. So good on you for that.

Practicing meditation or relaxation exercises regularly also helps to bring the anxiety levels down as does stuff like CBT which addresses those catastrophic thoughts.

I listen to a couple of good podcasts too, one being The Anxiety Guru and the other being Anxiety Coaches. I play them while I'm cooking, cleaning or just sitting about. Whenever I find myself overthinking, I stick my headphones on and distract myself.

Also, drinking water seems to help. Most of us don't drink enough and dehydration can cause anxiety symptoms.

06-02-17, 16:04
Well these attacks might have intensified after I broke up with my girlfriend. We were together for 10 years and we just died,as couple. After that, which happened 6 months ago, I just couldn't find someone else , it's almost like I'm mourning someone, a deep feeling that reflects my actions day by day. It's not like I don't smile or how to say,I'm not sad like on the surface, it's something way deep, in the core of my being, almost feel like I'm bleeding,even now when I'm writing this, I have like a huge boulder in my throat.

06-02-17, 16:19
what beat this for me years ago was very hard excersise daily, once i started feeling confident everything went away, its like it crushes you when you are scared

06-02-17, 16:23
That's what I'm trying to do, to focus on myself, to turn into a superhero, but it's hard man, it's like a big hole in your chest.

06-02-17, 16:24
i know , i am going through hell just now, loads of symptoms but the worst is i keep getting anything i swallow stuck in the same side of my throat and now i need to go to ent to have it looked at