View Full Version : Am I having seizures?

03-02-17, 15:42
I've had this maybe a few times a year if that. I'll be falling asleep and then I hear like a jolt almost and see a bright flash of light. It doesn't hurt, I don't twitch or anything. Last night it happened and now I'm scared it was like a myoclonic seizure or something. Has anyone ever had this? Or know of what it is? I'm going to the doctor for something unreleased today and don't know if I should ask about this when I already have like 80 other hypochondriac fears to ask about.

03-02-17, 15:53
Happens to me all the time, especially since I went on sertraline. It's just a myoclonic jerk. Your brain is on the borderline between sleep and waking and it suddenly jolts you awake. It's thought to be linked to our evolutionary need to wake suddenly if there's a threat.

It's benign.

03-02-17, 16:08
It's not a seizure. Just your nervous system reacting to stress.